View Full Version : I Hate nigger music

05-20-2023, 12:46 PM
Hate it with an absolute passion. When I was a teen in the 90s I thought it was a crappy fad that would pass within a couple of years, yet here we are with cRAP music more popular than ever..

Why do mainstream radios play this garbage on loop? Half the song is censored anyway since most of the lyrics are explicit. These jigaboos can't form a single sentence without dropping an F bomb or making degrading derogatory comments about women.. Why are we promoting this garbage as a society?

I was in the gym this morning and this crap has been playing nonstop. A Phil Collins song randomly came up, and the gym management cut it barely 30 seconds into the song and went back to the jungle beats.

Pisses me off.

05-20-2023, 10:27 PM
The mainstreaming of cRap, nigger slang, etc. is one of the great tragedies of modern society. In the good old days, that garbage was coonfined to the ghetto where it belonged. Now, even "upscale" restaurants play that filth. Makes me lose my appetite immediately.

05-20-2023, 10:51 PM
Can someone explain to me why cRap music was featured in "The Great Gatsby"? cRap in the 1920s. Maybe they can make an old-timey nigger movie with a soundtrack by Al Jolson.

I started to watch this and immediately turned it off.


I aint bin dun did dat!
05-20-2023, 10:52 PM
Today’s society reflects the exact garbage it consumes.

05-21-2023, 07:27 AM
Music? Ohh, that hideous noise called krap.

05-21-2023, 02:53 PM
The only thing good about it was all the damage it did to niggers, but that's in a purely ironic sense. They made one of their own worst devices of self-destruction. You'd have to be a nigger to be THAT stupid not to notice, have people tell you and then keep contributing to it anyway.

05-21-2023, 05:00 PM
Today’s society reflects the exact garbage it consumes.

Tru Dat!!

Jim Crow
05-21-2023, 06:30 PM
Today I was stopped at a red light.Car in front of me was vibrating,playing nigger C rap music.I looked,it was a wigger in his 20’s listening to it.And that is usually the case.Wiggers making C rappers rich!

05-22-2023, 06:38 PM
Music is a personal taste. If you don't want to hear any genre of music, that doesn't make you racist. Though, I'm ok being a racist about crap nigger music. Actually it's a species thing because I don't want to hear sub-simian bix nood.

I don't particularly care for Chinese opera. Nor do I care for string quartets or Stravinsky or Mahler. Sounds like bullshit to me. That's not being racist.

Several lifetimes ago, I actually have seen the outside house of Nigger Dre. Obviously the house of nigger richness. Why this guard gated community didn't kick it's black ass out, I don't know.
I reiterate that my nigger dead pool bet is Nigger Dre or Snoop Nigger. I can't stand those two. I can't stand their entire species.

05-23-2023, 11:10 AM
it's valuable as a window into their opaque brillo heads that shows there's really nothing there except animal insticts not brought under any sort of human consideration. Any time chimps show themselves as they really are, it's a victory over the (((taste-makers)))

05-23-2023, 06:26 PM
Music is a personal taste.
If you don't want to hear any genre of music, that doesn't make you racist. Though, I'm ok being a racist about crap nigger music. Actually it's a species thing because I don't want to hear sub-simian bix nood.

I don't particularly care for Chinese opera. Nor do I care for string quartets or Stravinsky or Mahler. Sounds like bullshit to me. That's not being racist.

Several lifetimes ago, I actually have seen the outside house of Nigger Dre. Obviously the house of nigger richness. Why this guard gated community didn't kick it's black ass out, I don't know.
I reiterate that my nigger dead pool bet is Nigger Dre or Snoop Nigger. I can't stand those two. I can't stand their entire species.

I agree! But as far as I am concerned, cRap and niggHop isn't music, simply because niggers aren't humans. Almost all animals make "noises" and nobody calls that music. In my opinion, the only nigger "music" that might be considered to be music is Jazz, even though I don't like that either.

05-24-2023, 08:30 AM
No such thing as nigger music. You mean nigger babble.

06-05-2023, 04:43 AM
Probably the only good nigger music I've ever heard.
