View Full Version : A Magic Negro tells the truth about "reprayshuns" in a most truthful and amusing fashion

Whitey Ford
05-15-2023, 11:45 PM
They don't deserve a dime of reparations


The people in America whose self-worth and esteem is singularly based upon the prefix African have the same Constitution as others, with additional amendments added specifically to benefit them.

Why is that?

If these people want monetary reparations, let them get it from the countries responsible for their distant ancestors being slaves in the first place. That would be the Ashanti Empire and Dahomey tribes that dominated the Ivory Coast areas of Africa.

No. They should pay to have them shipped back, and then pay for all the damages their worst export has caused human civilization.

Nothing dissuades me that many of these people already know exactly what model Range Rover, Mercedes and/or BMW they're going to purchase the moment the measure is approved, and there will be hell to pay if Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has applauded the idea, decides not to sign it.

I hope the nioggers tear that botox faced anti-Christ Newsom to shreds. :lol

Outside of Africa, America is the only country in the free world that has elected its leader specifically because of his melanin.

Africa is a continent not a country. But niggerlovers in Britain and elsewhere have elected niggers as a sympathy vote or because of white guilt. :lol

Wait for it, it gets better.

Air Jordan shoes, gaudy gold and silver bling, Patek Philippe watches, Rolex, FUBU clothing and the latest illegal contraband, including guns and drugs, will be in high demand.

Yeah, pretty much. But so will KFC, bakkabaws, Hennessy, Popeye's and tacky rims.


05-16-2023, 02:01 AM
You're a gud boi, Mychal Massie my boy. Now go tell your niggers, er, your bruthas and sistahs the idiocy of their dreams. Gud kneegrows like you, who know their place, are rare indeed, which make me think, you'd be inclined to be part of human society as a helpful contributor. There's lots of job openings in sanitary engineering, as in, garbage collecting. You be a gud boi now, y'hear?

Jim Crow
05-17-2023, 07:27 AM
It’s us humans who deserve the reparations for having to put up with all the problems and destruction niggers have caused for us over the years!