View Full Version : Tales from the ER: Sheboon (witch) doctor

05-15-2023, 12:43 AM
So a couple of months ago the hospital where I work as a RN hired a new affirmative action sheboon (witch) doctor. Most of our doctors are White or Asian, but apparently that's not "diverse" enough for some woke retard in the hiring office. I knew that this fake doctor, let's call her Shit'stainia Jakscoon, was going to be trouble, and sho nuff, not a month (mumf) went by before the first coonflict came up. Now it's a well-known fact that doctors often don't listen to nurses, but Shit'stainia took it to a new level. I was trying to explain something about hospital policy, me having worked there for eight years and her being a newbie, but she cut me off with "youze just uh nurse, you don't knows whut ah knows, so shut yo mouf."

Now while like I said, some of the human doctors don't like listening to me, none of them would ever speak to a fellow human that way. It took all my self-control not to say, "you're just a NIGGER, you don't know what I know, so shut your bootlipped mouth and go back to Africa." It almost would have been worth getting fired to see the EPIC category N chimpout that inevitably would have ensued. Almost. Instead, I just bit my tongue, rolled my eyes, and walked away. I filed a complaint, of course nothing came of it. Takes an act of Congress to discipline a nigger these days.

But wait. It gets worse.

Last night, I'm in the ER and a white female patient comes up to me. Her thumb is badly swollen and she's clearly in severe pain (she said she accidentally slammed it in her car door), so she came to the ER, but the doctor she just saw told her it was "just a bruise," gave her an ice pack, and told her to take Tylenol for the pain. The patient says, "I'm no doctor but this is NOT just a bruise." I quickly examine her thumb and say, "You're right, your thumb is dislocated." I then ask, "Who told you it was just a bruise?"

Guess who?

Before the patient can answer, I ask, "Was it Dr. Shit'stainia Jakscoon?"

"How did you know?"

"How did you think I know?" I give her the "I secretly hate niggers but can't say it out loud" look that I've mastered like a plantation owner and she gives me the same look back.

I sent her to a real doctor, who gave her a shot to numb the area, popped the thumb back into place, and sent her home with Vicodin.

I have a feeling Dr. Shit'stainia Jakscoon is going to become Unemployed Shit'stainia Jakscoon sooner than later. Being rude cunts to white people, they can get away with, but even a nigger can't get away with medical malpractice...yet.

Fucking niggers.


05-15-2023, 06:39 PM
So a couple of months ago the hospital where I work as a RN hired a new affirmative action sheboon (witch) doctor. Most of our doctors are White or Asian, but apparently that's not "diverse" enough for some woke retard in the hiring office. I knew that this fake doctor, let's call her Shit'stainia Jakscoon, was going to be trouble, and sho nuff, not a month (mumf) went by before the first coonflict came up. Now it's a well-known fact that doctors often don't listen to nurses, but Shit'stainia took it to a new level. I was trying to explain something about hospital policy, me having worked there for eight years and her being a newbie, but she cut me off with "youze just uh nurse, you don't knows whut ah knows, so shut yo mouf."

Now while like I said, some of the human doctors don't like listening to me, none of them would ever speak to a fellow human that way. It took all my self-control not to say, "you're just a NIGGER, you don't know what I know, so shut your bootlipped mouth and go back to Africa." It almost would have been worth getting fired to see the EPIC category N chimpout that inevitably would have ensued. Almost. Instead, I just bit my tongue, rolled my eyes, and walked away. I filed a complaint, of course nothing came of it. Takes an act of Congress to discipline a nigger these days.

But wait. It gets worse.

Last night, I'm in the ER and a white female patient comes up to me. Her thumb is badly swollen and she's clearly in severe pain (she said she accidentally slammed it in her car door), so she came to the ER, but the doctor she just saw told her it was "just a bruise," gave her an ice pack, and told her to take Tylenol for the pain. The patient says, "I'm no doctor but this is NOT just a bruise." I quickly examine her thumb and say, "You're right, your thumb is dislocated." I then ask, "Who told you it was just a bruise?"

Guess who?

Before the patient can answer, I ask, "Was it Dr. Shit'stainia Jakscoon?"

"How did you know?"

"How did you think I know?" I give her the "I secretly hate niggers but can't say it out loud" look that I've mastered like a plantation owner and she gives me the same look back.

I sent her to a real doctor, who gave her a shot to numb the area, popped the thumb back into place, and sent her home with Vicodin.

I have a feeling Dr. Shit'stainia Jakscoon is going to become Unemployed Shit'stainia Jakscoon sooner than later. Being rude cunts to white people, they can get away with, but even a nigger can't get away with medical malpractice...yet.

Fucking niggers.


Being forced to deal with diversity hire witch doctors who can insult you and be uppity must be a burden that becomes unbearable. The nigger can bixnood whatever insulting crap it wants to you, have no idea how to treat patients, but dare contradict it and find yourself unemployed.

When will the madness end?

Ray Cizzums
05-15-2023, 08:08 PM
I have a feeling Dr. Shit'stainia Jakscoon is going to become Unemployed Shit'stainia Jakscoon sooner than later. Being rude cunts to white people, they can get away with, but even a nigger can't get away with medical malpractice...yet.
What would happen in your hospital, if a patient saw "Dr." Shitstainia walk in, and then demanded they be seen by a human doctor ?
I would just walk out, and try my chances at another hospital. What would you do, if you got a monkey in a white coat, instead of an
actual doctor ? My uncle's ambulance got diverted to a 'hood hospital, and a nurse recognized him, called my cousin, and said "get
your father the fuck out of here". A nigger MD was about to cut his chest open, and do a HundredThousandDolla-ectomy on his gold
insurance plan, when the family, and his doctor arrived with a private ambulance, and a big confrontation with hospital security goons
took place. It turned out he only needed a medication adjustment. That nigger was asking for trouble, fucking with my relatives, to say
the absolute very least...

05-15-2023, 09:05 PM
I'd do anything in my power to get Shitaloadica McCoon fired

05-15-2023, 10:56 PM
I'd do anything in my power to get Shitaloadica McCoon fired


05-16-2023, 10:00 AM
It's a shame. This is why malpractice insurance premiums are so high, even the good doctors cannot make a go of it on their own. I wonder, in this day and age, why anyone would spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical school only to be salaried by administrators who are writing the checks. And that was before WOKE was a magic word.

05-16-2023, 03:28 PM
Being seen by a nigger doctor: possibly fatal, if not painful. Say what you will about California, but we have tons of Asian, Indian, and human doctors. So far I haven't had a voodoo doctor.

It must be hell working for an uppity fake negress doctor. I hope it's shitskin will not protect it from being fired soon, for malpractice.