View Full Version : Secret Service denies Syrian born asslifter New Jersey Mayor mohammed access to the White House

Whitey Ford
05-07-2023, 08:02 PM
Muslim Mayor Speaks Out After Secret Service Denies Him White House Entry


Prospect Park, New Jersey’s Mayor Mohamed Khairullah, who has been serving as the borough’s Democratic mayor for 17 years, was blocked by the Secret Service from attending the White House’s celebration for the end of Ramadan.

They're 'celebrating' asslifter holidays in the so-called White House. Just great.

The White House had invited him to its Eid al-Fitr ceremony on Monday, but he received a call on his way there, stating that he was not cleared by the Secret Service. Mayor Khairullah, a Muslim who was born in Syria, expressed his surprise and confusion about the situation, saying he was “baffled.”

What's baffling is how trash like him are allowed to immigrate here in the first place.

“It left me baffled, shocked and disappointed,” Khairullah told the AP. “It’s not a matter of I didn’t get to go to a party. It’s why I did not go. And it’s a list that has targeted me because of my identity. And I don’t think the highest office in the United States should be down with such profiling.”

Go suck a fart out of a dead nigger's ass, mudslime.


05-07-2023, 10:57 PM
With a name like Mohammed, Akbar, Farooz, Ilhan, Mahmoud, Rauf, or any other infidel halal shit name, it should be an automatic ban. Fuck all Muslims. Fuck their Ramadan. Why we even call them immigrants is beyond me. Call them terrorists.

05-27-2023, 07:27 AM
With a name like Mohammed, Akbar, Farooz, Ilhan, Mahmoud, Rauf,

Well it certainly makes it easy when sifting through the job applicants for the hiring manager. If you hire shit, you'll never get the stink out.

05-27-2023, 10:46 AM
Well it certainly makes it easy when sifting through the job applicants for the hiring manager. If you hire shit, you'll never get the stink out.
Well, for that reason, they want to allow ass-lifters to use fake names on job application forms and dating platforms (no joke!) over here. I wouldn't be too surprised if they come up with that in the US as well.