View Full Version : Coddlers protest on NY subway tracks for Jordan Neely

05-07-2023, 09:51 AM

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-07-2023, 10:07 AM
“Dis mayan had a mental issue and da way you handle dat is not ta put hiyim in a chokehold and squeeze da life outta hiyim” Al Sharpton
That’s exactly how you handle violent niggers Al “the boss race hustlin nigger” Sharpton. This nigger had committed multiple assaults and damn near killed people but now you’re upset it is dead? Fuck you nigger! If another nigger would’ve strangled this one, it would not have even been news. Fuck outta here. I hate you niggers more every day.

05-07-2023, 10:33 AM
He hit and almost killed a 65 year old woman (Just gettting hit like that could have been fatal to someone that age) last year and somehow he was out on the streets.

05-07-2023, 02:16 PM
Video Of Jordan Neely Deficating In A Subway Station, Then Walking Around naked
(https://vidmax.com/video/219692-video-of-jordan-neely-deficating-in-a-subway-station-then-walking-around-naked-surfaces-nsfw)Then I found this below:

This is who they are crying over. Even George Floyd was not this bad.

Jordan Neely has been arrested numerous times and has a reputation for causing disturbances; he once pleaded guilty to attempted kidnapping when he was caught dragging a 7-year-old girl down an Inwood street

Defund Welfare
05-07-2023, 05:36 PM
The worst part is almost all the protestors are White women. I’m guessing all the niggers are scared to go near the subway for the time being. That marine did a very good deed choking that nigger out. See how easily niggers scare? Kind of like sand people, but instead of being back in greater numbers their stupid coddlers do it for them.
I wish that marine luck in the courts but I think he’s fucked. There’s the chance they might do a show trial for the nigger riots and let him out a back door but even if that did happen sooner or later we’re going to have to stand up to these nigger riots as a country and tell them they can’t have their way on everything anymore.
There are countless videos and cases of this niggers “history” on the subway. He’s punched old people. He’s kidnapped children. He pushed a middle aged lady onto the train tracks just a couple years ago. This nigger should not have been free as long as he was. They say it’s “homeless people” but I don’t know how many White homeless guys have gone as long as this chimp has. The three strike rule or something in that neighborhood really should come back.
I really disagree with our legal system on people having so many rights in court after committing this many crimes. He should have been deported to Africa long ago. I also have no sympathy for this niggers “story” either. He was another fatherless nigger in the care of a psycho sheboon who shacked up with more psycho bucks. And you know what the problem is? These “mental health issue” niggers keep reproducing. And then they continue the cycle of more fatherless niggers in the exact same life situation. Damn I hate nigger coddlers. We TNR cats, time to do the same to niggers.