View Full Version : Despite millions of taxpayer $$$ invested in "Safe Streets Program," Baltimore niggers keep shooting each other

Whitey Ford
05-02-2023, 12:33 AM
Despite triple shooting in Safe Streets zone, Mayor Scott committed to program's efforts

They can keep dumping all the money they want into the never ending, ever consuming money pit called the nigger but they woill never, ever change a damn thing.

Despite a triple shooting in a Safe Streets catchment zone, Mayor Brandon Scott said the additional $5 million investment remains a priority and said the efforts continue to yield results.

".. the efforts continue to yield results." If by results they mean bankrupting America and turning it into a feral nigger playpen, then yes.

“The residents of Baltimore are a little smarter than to think about it in that sense,” Mayor Scott said when asked how the city can trust the $5 million investment would be a fruitful use of money.

"Fruitful." :lol

“We have to continue to focus on why in the hell people are doing these kinds of things to each other over small things,” he said.

Why? Because they're niggers. :lol


05-02-2023, 01:09 AM
Why? Because they're niggers. :lol

And nobody else will ever say it, so it will never be dealt with appropriately. :unigger

05-02-2023, 11:45 AM
That's why it is said 'We were safer back when the Mafia was in charge'. Back then even they didn't put up with the niggers...they took them out...and I don't mean for dinner.

Ray Cizzums
05-02-2023, 11:59 AM
They killed the Inner Harbor goose-that-laid-the-golden-egg, which was a de-facto no nigger zone, and very popular
tourist destination. Now, all the "upscale" human investors are prey for wild street niggers, the cops don'tdu nuffin',
and the property values are in the shitter. Some guy on a blog, who had bought a high rise apartment a year before
the Freddy Grey riots, said "The outside of my building is now like Saving Private Ryan".

05-02-2023, 02:49 PM
Now how can I donate a little something extra to ensure that their nigger removal program continues unabated ? I'd say that was my tax dollars at work right there !