View Full Version : Nig website has a whole article about wigs for sows

04-29-2023, 06:41 PM
I thought sheboons were proud of their nappy hair?


Ray Cizzums
04-29-2023, 07:27 PM
Two wigs, and not one exploded parrot....

04-29-2023, 10:32 PM
Two wigs, and not one exploded parrot....

You mean like this?


04-29-2023, 10:38 PM
I thought sheboons were proud of their nappy hair?


I've been asking that for the longest time. The sheboons are all, "We proud black wimmenz!" What are they proud of? Not their natural brillo pads since they have to appropriate human features to make them think they look good, like human-looking hair and fake eyelashes.

How they must hate white women. Not only are the mudsharks taking all the bucks, but human women actually look like females, unlike sows who have very little to no dimorophism to differentiate them from the bucks.

04-30-2023, 05:40 AM
I've been asking that for the longest time. The sheboons are all, "We proud black wimmenz!" What are they proud of? Not their natural brillo pads since they have to appropriate human features to make them think they look good, like human-looking hair and fake eyelashes.

How they must hate white women. Not only are the mudsharks taking all the bucks, but human women actually look like females, unlike sows who have very little to no dimorophism to differentiate them from the bucks.

Yes! Isn't that nice? :D Did you notice that they massively whitened up the sows in the wig pictures? Most of the pics look like plastic dolls. White ladies usually don't need wigs (unless they had a cancer treatment). I bet niggers sows hate human women with passion for that.

Ray Cizzums
04-30-2023, 11:27 AM
You mean like this?

Precisely. That is a classic "looka me" hair hat !

04-30-2023, 07:43 PM
Gorillas are better than niggers because they know they're gorillas. They don't try to look human. Niggers are so envious of human women that they're so furious that no matter what they do, they can't erase their animal features. Look at Oprah. Billions, yet can't even look like a normal human. They can claim raycissms, supremacy, unfairness, all day, but that will not ever change their DNA - that's why they have to artificially say they are kangz and qweenz. And cursed be the mudsharks who get taken in by nigger worship.

No wig, no clothes, no fancy home, no fame, can alter a nigger for the better. As the old adage says, "you can change everything else but your nature".