View Full Version : Store clerk passes out, customers (guess the species) rob sto

04-26-2023, 05:26 PM

04-27-2023, 09:44 AM
Let me guess, a little Norwegian girl?

What I am surprised about is that it is on youtube.

04-27-2023, 10:16 AM
I could not stop laughing! As if the "journalists" don't know exactly who is the problem! Despite the problem is clearly visible in this video, they still blame society:

"This incident has once again highlighted the need for society to prioritize compassion and morality and to not let greed and selfishness take precedence over basic humanity"
How are the chances White customers would behave like this? 1:10k? 1:100k? Niggers, and niggers only are the problem!

04-27-2023, 10:59 AM
Let me guess, a little Norwegian girl?

What I am surprised about is that it is on youtube.

The WOKE owners of YouTube/Google will take it down after some WOKE activist snitches about the existence of a video that shows niggers as something other than magical.
FIX: Youtube video downloader. It's free, download video, convert video, move video to windows video editor, "finish" video and repost wherever you want it. It won't matter how many times they take it down. It's still there wherever you put it. In fact, I should do a thread on this.....

04-27-2023, 11:23 AM
I bet the clerk just couldn't take the nigger smell after 10 seconds. Those stores need to get those signs up now...'NO NIGGERS ALLOWED!'

04-27-2023, 12:17 PM
I could not stop laughing! As if the "journalists" don't know exactly who is the problem! Despite the problem is clearly visible in this video, they still blame society:

How are the chances White customers would behave like this? 1:10k? 1:100k? Niggers, and niggers only are the problem!

Unfortunately, I've seen videos like this in China, where when someone is hurt, collapses, etc. people just look and do nothing, not even giving aid or calling medical services. I've read that in China people are scared to get involved because of some commie government rule, but who knows? You'd think they're able to build great things with cooperation. Also, probably people just don't GAF because there's too many of them.

Ray Cizzums
04-27-2023, 12:20 PM
Convenience/bodega/gas station-type stores are magnets for the common bush negro, and the zero law enforcement trend
will force owners to adopt Detroit/Philly-style nigger countermeasures. Our 7-11s and Quik Picks are already semi-walled off,
with registers and more expensive items behind plexiglass barricades. I just walked into the Chinese take out place we use, and
saw they had a new set of nigger-stoppers installed. We all need to take precautions, in regards to the threat presented by today's
wooly schvugger....

04-28-2023, 04:17 PM
I bet the clerk just couldn't take the nigger smell after 10 seconds. Those stores need to get those signs up now...'NO NIGGERS ALLOWED!'

That's exactly what happened.

04-28-2023, 08:24 PM
"The customers...shocking". Oh, please! What's shocking about it? Niggers see an opportunity to steal, and they take it. Nothing unusual there.

Ray Cizzums
04-28-2023, 08:45 PM
"The customers...shocking". Oh, please! What's shocking about it? Niggers see an opportunity to steal, and they take it. Nothing unusual there.
There's only one race, that is in the habit of "browsing" in a goddamn convenience store, endlessly looking around,
don't quite know what they want, and obviously have all the time in the world to think about it. Humans walk in, grab
what they need, pay for it, then head out - usually in a minute or two. The Asians will tell the "Bracks" : "You buy, or GO !"
while pointing at the exit. They do not give a ho lee fuk about raycizzums, they know the niggers are stealing....

04-28-2023, 10:37 PM
There's only one race, that is in the habit of "browsing" in a goddamn convenience store, endlessly looking around,
don't quite know what they want, and obviously have all the time in the world to think about it. Humans walk in, grab
what they need, pay for it, then head out - usually in a minute or two. The Asians will tell the "Bracks" : "You buy, or GO !"
while pointing at the exit. They do not give a ho lee fuk about raycizzums, they know the niggers are stealing....

That reminds me of a Judge Judy episode in which a big ugly drunken buck was hanging around a convenience store owned by East Indians. The groid was outside drinking and aggressively panhandling anyone trying to enter the store and driving away business.

After repeated warnings to the nigger to get lost, it all ended with the nigger getting conked on its thick noggin by the Indian wielding a bat. The nigger was suing for its hospital bills, punitive damages, and pain and suffering. He showed up with his mammy who was forced to admit he's a drunken PITA.

Judge Judy, being a lifelong student of niggerology, quickly figured out what was going on, told the buck to shove its pain and suffering, and threw the nigger out on its parasitic ass right after ripping him a new one for the TNB. She merely advised the store owner not to bash in any more nigger skulls but to call the police instead if this one comes back.

It was beautiful to watch.

Ray Cizzums
04-29-2023, 02:15 PM
Judge Judy, being a lifelong student of niggerology, quickly figured out what was going on, told the buck to shove its pain and suffering, and threw the nigger out on its parasitic ass right after ripping him a new one for the TNB. She merely advised the store owner not to bash in any more nigger skulls but to call the police instead if this one comes back.
It was beautiful to watch.
Business owners in the northeast tend to do nothing, and allow the TNB theater of the absurd to take place inside, and in front of,
their establishments. Customers, at least here on Long Island, will not hesitate to throw their black asses right out. NYC restaurant
owners are the biggest pussies, post-George Groid, allowing nigger vagrants to harass diners inside, at the door, and out in the parking
lot. I shut a nigger down in a store on Cape Cod years ago, and my friend did in a 7-11 recently, where N-bombs were dropped, and in
both cases, said niggers were doing martial arts "warmups" out in the parking lot, before running away when their bluff was called.

04-29-2023, 03:06 PM
Unfortunately, I've seen videos like this in China, where when someone is hurt, collapses, etc. people just look and do nothing, not even giving aid or calling medical services. I've read that in China people are scared to get involved because of some commie government rule, but who knows? You'd think they're able to build great things with cooperation. Also, probably people just don't GAF because there's too many of them.
I have no idea why they don't help in the circumstances you describe, but I've been a few times in China for business reasons, therefore I know that "the clocks are ticking different", as we use to say. Example (I learned that the hard way):

If you ask a Chinese guy (people in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore behave the same way) for example for the way, or if he knows on which platform a train to xyz goes, half of the time he'll send you in the wrong direction. Because, in their culture, they consider it to be shameful if they are not able to help /don't know. So, to "save the face", they tell you anything, just to not have to admit that they don't know. If you need help in China, you have to show clearly that you are in need of help, and wait until somebody who is able to help you will help. So, if you have no idea where you are, even today, it's very helpful to have a paper map with you, stare at it, shake your head and try to "appear lost". As soon as someone who does speak English passes by, he'll usually help you. I am not joking! The same goes for business meetings, you have to be really creative to make sure nobody looks bad. It's a very different culture.

Whitey Ford
04-29-2023, 09:35 PM
Around blacks, never relax. Or pass out. :lol

High-trust societies display a high degree of mutual trust not imposed by outside "contractual, legal or hierarchical regulation", but instead are based upon "prior moral consensus".

Obviously, a High Trust Society will not happen if niggers are going to be a part of that society. But, the shopkeeper was prolly an asslifter, anyway.

Jim Crow
04-30-2023, 06:32 AM
Niggers doing what they do best!

Tar Remover
05-28-2023, 10:41 AM
TNB. "This incident has once again highlighted the need to ship all these fuckin' feral apes the fuck outta here", is what it really did...... There. Fixed it.

Tar Remover
05-28-2023, 10:45 AM
Business owners in the northeast tend to do nothing, and allow the TNB theater of the absurd to take place inside, and in front of,
their establishments. Customers, at least here on Long Island, will not hesitate to throw their black asses right out. NYC restaurant
owners are the biggest pussies, post-George Groid, allowing nigger vagrants to harass diners inside, at the door, and out in the parking
lot. I shut a nigger down in a store on Cape Cod years ago, and my friend did in a 7-11 recently, where N-bombs were dropped, and in
both cases, said niggers were doing martial arts "warmups" out in the parking lot, before running away when their bluff was called.

Niggers are consummate cowards. They have cowardice down to a fine art.....