View Full Version : Mammy and Grandmammy Arrested For Child Endangerment

Nigger Wrangler
04-26-2023, 04:44 PM
Police stop a carload of nasty, smelly, belligerent sows after seeing a niglet jumping around in the moving car.

The mammy, sitting in back with the niglet, a big fat, greasy sow, became belligerent and uncooperative immediately. Besides resisting, the nigger was speaking a completely unintelligible form of ebonics. Only the occasional "I dindo nuthin" was comprehensible.

Of course, the nigger was able to clearly state she "had a bad back," when the police put her big ass in the back of the police car.

The bottom line is mammy was arrested for obstruction of justice and grandmammy, who was driving was issued several tickets then arrested for pending warrants. Of course the nigger said she had handled those. A lie, of course.

Niggers are such vile creatures.

I could never be a police officer. Having to deal with niggers all day, every day is toxic. It's inhumane.
