View Full Version : Nigger holds up and rapes woman in her own garage as she was about to head to work

04-25-2023, 11:00 PM
Odds of a human victim: 99%, because she was on her way to work.

Women, and men too, niggers are the #1 reason to be packing everywhere you are, even in your own garage.

Harris County Constable Mark Herman’s office said in a press release that deputies responded to a weapons disturbance on Tuesday morning on Blodgett Peak Trail in Spring, after a 14-year-old girl called 911 and reported that her mother was being held at gunpoint in the garage.

When deputies arrived nearly three minutes after the report, they safely evacuated the children from the home and quickly apprehended the suspect, later identified as Jeremy Kejuan Wright.

Investigators learned that Wright allegedly walked into the woman’s opened garage and demanded money from her as she was getting ready to leave for work.

When the victim told Wright she did not have any money, the constable’s office said, he demanded sexual favors while he held her at gunpoint.


This nigger should have already been executed. I'm just saying, once upon a time, niggers were scared to death just to whistle at a white woman, because they knew it was a hanging offense.


04-25-2023, 11:28 PM
Odds of a human victim: 99%, because she was on her way to work.

Women, and men too, niggers are the #1 reason to be packing everywhere you are, even in your own garage.


This nigger should have already been executed. I'm just saying, once upon a time, niggers were scared to death just to whistle at a white woman, because they knew it was a hanging offense.


Look at that sub human PRIMATE!!

Ray Cizzums
04-26-2023, 08:16 AM
One of the best things about the post-hurricane FEMA house lift we did, was the drive-out garage underneath.
The missus loves her "Bat cave', which she exits each workday, safely locked in her SUV. She always keeps a sharp
eye out when she backs in upon return, then closes the garage door before exiting the vehicle. Our neighbors are
alert to the presence of any suspicious negroes, which is all of them....

04-26-2023, 11:21 AM
Odds of a human victim: 99%, because she was on her way to work.

Women, and men too, niggers are the #1 reason to be packing everywhere you are, even in your own garage.


This nigger should have already been executed. I'm just saying, once upon a time, niggers were scared to death just to whistle at a white woman, because they knew it was a hanging offense.


Nigger crime: "Yo' money or muh dik!"

Because of danger of maurading niggroes that libtards have turned loose on humanity, a woman should never open the garage door until she's in her car with the doors locked and engine on. That way, if she sees a nigger standing there when door lifts she can back up and hopefully run the groid down. She might face some charges for being mean and rayciss but at least she'll be alive.

04-26-2023, 05:31 PM
One of the best things about the post-hurricane FEMA house lift we did, was the drive-out garage underneath.
The missus loves her "Bat cave', which she exits each workday, safely locked in her SUV. She always keeps a sharp
eye out when she backs in upon return, then closes the garage door before exiting the vehicle. Our neighbors are
alert to the presence of any suspicious negroes, which is all of them....
On one hand: I am glad to hear that, and it's good that you and your wife are safe. On the other hand: Isn't it terrible that humans are forced to live under such circumstances?! Just an anecdote, to show how safe human societies used to be:

In my childhood, in summer my little sis loved to go to the inner city park with her friends, to bathe at the river, do homework etc. We kids all had public-transport tickets that were valid for most of the town (we lived at the other end of the city, with the train it took ~40 minutes). This means: 12 years old girls were completely safe everywhere on their own (in a town of ~1 Million inhabitants). One day (she's always been, and still is, a bit clumsy/forgetful - much to my amusement.), she even walked home in her bikini at evening/night through the whole town, because she had managed to drop her bag with all her belongings (money, monthly train pass, clothes, books etc.) in the river, and it was gone. My parents were not amused, they had to buy a new train pass (expensive), and she was four hours late. But they weren't worried about her safety, because you simply didn't have to be worried. Compare that to today, when even adults have to be careful in public transport in broad daylight.

04-26-2023, 06:35 PM
One of the best things about the post-hurricane FEMA house lift we did, was the drive-out garage underneath.
The missus loves her "Bat cave', which she exits each workday, safely locked in her SUV. She always keeps a sharp
eye out when she backs in upon return, then closes the garage door before exiting the vehicle. Our neighbors are
alert to the presence of any suspicious negroes, which is all of them....

I posted nearly the same thing before I saw your post. GMTA. :lol

04-26-2023, 06:43 PM
On one hand: I am glad to hear that, and it's good that you and your wife are safe. On the other hand: Isn't it terrible that humans are forced to live under such circumstances?! Just an anecdote, to show how safe human societies used to be:

In my childhood, in summer my little sis loved to go to the inner city park with her friends, to bathe at the river, do homework etc. We kids all had public-transport tickets that were valid for most of the town (we lived at the other end of the city, with the train it took ~40 minutes). This means: 12 years old girls were completely safe everywhere on their own (in a town of ~1 Million inhabitants). One day (she's always been, and still is, a bit clumsy/forgetful - much to my amusement.), she even walked home in her bikini at evening/night through the whole town, because she had managed to drop her bag with all her belongings (money, monthly train pass, clothes, books etc.) in the river, and it was gone. My parents were not amused, they had to buy a new train pass (expensive), and she was four hours late. But they weren't worried about her safety, because you simply didn't have to be worried. Compare that to today, when even adults have to be careful in public transport in broad daylight.

Yep. I used to take a bus alone at 10 years old without worry, and walk home from babysitting at midnight safely. My parents not only left our door unlocked, but actually open for our cats to come and go. My friends and I could go down to the river and hang out at night without fear. We knew the boys we met weren't going to attack us with machetes and rape us. We were totally unafraid.

Now we need bars on our windows, multiple deadbolts on doors, and high fences with locked gates. We must be on the alert every moment and make sure we hug the wall when waiting for a metro train to come, due to savages shoving people onto the tracks. We need cameras outside our homes and alarm systems in them. Prisoners are freer than we are!

04-27-2023, 06:20 AM
Yep. I used to take a bus alone at 10 years old without worry, and walk home from babysitting at midnight safely. My parents not only left our door unlocked, but actually open for our cats to come and go. My friends and I could go down to the river and hang out at night without fear. We knew the boys we met weren't going to attack us with machetes and rape us. We were totally unafraid.
That's exactly how we grew up as well! Isn't it sad for today's kids? I mean, I never (even in first grade) was brought to school by car, we walked or rode our bikes. Today, 5-year-olds get regularly mugged (or worse) by sand-niggers, at daylight. Gone is the happy childhood.

Now we need bars on our windows, multiple deadbolts on doors, and high fences with locked gates. We must be on the alert every moment and make sure we hug the wall when waiting for a metro train to come, due to savages shoving people onto the tracks. We need cameras outside our homes and alarm systems in them. Prisoners are freer than we are!
Exactly! We are prisoners in our own countries! And it took just 30 years - I can't even imagine how it could get worse, but it certainly will get worse. Sad thing though: The younger ones don't even know what they lost, they never experienced a safe & sane society.