View Full Version : Nigger watches dog mow the yard while its sowboon bixnoods to death on the sail foam

04-23-2023, 04:13 PM
can't make this shit up... nope



Jim Crow
04-24-2023, 07:19 AM
Buck don’t care about sow. it’s probably happy it’s daid so it can be replaced by a mudshark!. sows are so nasty even most bucks refuse to fuck them!

Tar Remover
05-29-2023, 11:18 AM
Lawdy Jeebus, we beez trippin' an sheeit, iba iba ooba ooba bixnood ook ook ook eek eek..... Oh STFU, you goddamn retarded nigger apes. I can't stand listening to niggers babble on and on and on about nonsense....