View Full Version : Monkeyshine "Killins" muh dikked his dinner driver, then tried "KILLIN" her family when they came to the rescue !

04-23-2023, 03:59 PM
This nasty nigger wanted to get its dikk dirty and then have a greasy cheeseburger to top it off.
Well , his door dash driver had already made the call. Never fear, groid "Killins" had his paw shooter waitin' for them.
Guess it had more "muh dikk" in mind then a little murder and body dumping, and it didn't like being disturbed.



Ray Cizzums
04-23-2023, 07:33 PM
The family should have this nigger's head as a hood ornament on their truck, and his entrails tied to the bumper.
His balls I'd sun dry, then hang those raisinettes on my rear view mirror, before feeding them to the crows...