View Full Version : Stank, Snake-Haired Sheboon Litters, Then Kisses NYC Sidewalk On "Earf Day"

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2023, 10:46 PM
The NY Post woketurd hack squad, with another built-in-excuse-narrative in the headline. This nasty nest-o-snakes
she-schvugger was "emotionally disturbed", when climate change sycophants took over her block, and cleaned it up.
She decided to dump out trash bags all over the street, and dared everyone to do something about it. Some old black
gentleman flattened her, but he failed to shut her awful blow-hole. NYC is full of "sassy", head bobbling ratchets, she-spooks
and buffarillos, who just cannot STFU. He will know to land two knuckle sandwiches to the dick trap, next time...

04-22-2023, 10:59 PM
NYC is full of "sassy", head bobbling ratchets, she-spooks
and buffarillos, who just cannot STFU. He will know to land two knuckle sandwiches to the dick trap, next time...

I actually feel less relaxed around sowboons because of their batshit randomness overreactions to things. They're even better at making bad go to worst than a lot of the bucks.
Most of the stories I come across starring tar baby buffas show them more prone to being flat out disgusting and nasty in public as well.

Ray Cizzums
04-23-2023, 09:17 AM
I actually feel less relaxed around sowboons because of their batshit randomness overreactions to things. They're even better at making bad go to worst than a lot of the bucks.
Most of the stories I come across starring tar baby buffas show them more prone to being flat out disgusting and nasty in public as well.
Not to mention - they're fucking UGLY ! Try as they might, to cover it up with weave, wild wool, tablecloths, tatts, eyelid tarantulas, nose-rings and
krazy nails - their hideous appearance cannot be disguised....

04-23-2023, 11:34 AM
I actually feel less relaxed around sowboons because of their batshit randomness overreactions to things. They're even better at making bad go to worst than a lot of the bucks.
Most of the stories I come across starring tar baby buffas show them more prone to being flat out disgusting and nasty in public as well.

Tru Dat!!

04-23-2023, 12:08 PM
The snake got shaked ! Smacked by the silverback ! Ain't it fun when niggers get together ? :lol

04-23-2023, 12:14 PM
The natural behavior of the Wild Duck-lipping, Chicken-necking, Eye-rolling Savage Urban Sheboon. No one sees a problem with this.

As this disgraceful display goes on:
a smiling (nigger Mayor) Adams posed for selfies nearby and greeted about 30 supporters.

I'm just glad it was a silverback who clocked the slut. Imagine if it had been a YT? Humans all know that niggers are untouchable - like some endangered species - no matter what they do, and for sure the niggers, who don't know much else know this as well.

Actually, silverbacks are quite often good at opening cans of whoop ass on feral young bucks and sows. Maybe they should be given special status to launch their attacks on disruptive groids. That way no one can scream "RAYCISS".

04-23-2023, 12:16 PM
As dangerous as the bucks are, the sows seem to be more impulsive and unpredictable.

04-23-2023, 12:19 PM
Not to mention - they're fucking UGLY ! Try as they might, to cover it up with weave, wild wool, tablecloths, tatts, eyelid tarantulas, nose-rings and
krazy nails - their hideous appearance cannot be disguised....

No, no it can't:


04-23-2023, 12:32 PM
Remember when they used to demand that the insane refer to ChimpChelle O'Bongo as ' beautiful ' ?

Like making a turd snowman !

04-23-2023, 03:51 PM
I'm just glad it was a silverback who clocked the slut. Imagine if it had been a YT? Humans all know that niggers are untouchable - like some endangered species - no matter what they do, and for sure the niggers, who don't know much else know this as well.
Actually, silverbacks are quite often good at opening cans of whoop ass on feral young bucks and sows. Maybe they should be given special status to launch their attacks on disruptive groids. That way no one can scream "RAYCISS".

So true. You can see the humans just watch. They know that nasty coon-ette is untouchable. If that big dude with the beard tried some monkey wrangling, that boot lipped mayor would have stepped right up and gorilla beat his chest about "raycissssm and YT privilege in NYC". His ass would have been getting reamed at Rikers NU within an hour too.

04-23-2023, 05:00 PM
The natural behavior of the Wild Duck-lipping, Chicken-necking, Eye-rolling Savage Urban Sheboon.


So true. You can see the humans just watch. They know that nasty coon-ette is untouchable. If that big dude with the beard tried some monkey wrangling, that boot lipped mayor would have stepped right up and gorilla beat his chest about "raycissssm and YT privilege in NYC". His ass would have been getting reamed at Rikers NU within an hour too.

Ain't that the truth !

04-23-2023, 05:04 PM
As dangerous as the bucks are, the sows seem to be more impulsive and unpredictable.

They are definitely more vicious.