View Full Version : Nigger 'Black Israelites' hand out anti-Native flyers on Lakota reservation

Whitey Ford
04-21-2023, 02:34 AM
‘Ignorant and disrespectful’: Fringe hate group hands out anti-Native flyers on Lakota reservations


TikTokers say in recent viral videos that members of an extremist religious group handed out anti-Native American flyers on Native reservations.

The Black Israelites are a fringe religious movement associated with forced segregation. Members of the group allegedly visited Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and Rosebud, Oregon—both reservations that are home to the Lakota people—on April 10.

Native TikTokers say that the group disseminated anti-Native materials in Rosebud. In Pine Ridge, Black Israelites were escorted out of the reservation by tribal police. The Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety did not immediately respond to the Daily Dot's request for comment.

In one TikTok posted on April 10, Native TikToker Emma Blacksmith captured men wearing purple and yellow shirts with the Black Israelite logo standing outside Big Bat's convenience store on the Pine Ridge reservation. Big Bat's employees confirmed the incident in a brief phone interview with the Daily Dot.

"Them Israelites came to the reservation and got escorted off by the police," Blacksmith wrote in the video's overlay text. "They came with an agenda.. Because they feel they are the First People.. Being ignorant and disrespectful that's sad."


Ray Cizzums
04-21-2023, 03:40 AM
I used to joust with these mental midgets regularly, back in the late '80s/'90s. They'd set up a PA system, usually on 7th avenue,
in midtown Manhattan, with a mouthy nigger on the mic, and a posse of jaboons egging him on. Blabbering every insult they could think
of at passersby, most people just ignored them, while two uniformed NYPD cops watched the proceedings. I'd usually just yell "Fuck your
mother, nigger" at mic boi, while walking to Penn Station. One day, he's yelling "All white men are faggots", and I'm the only one there,
so I stop, and point at at him, and say "Look at those leather pants ! Only a nigger faggot would wear leather pants" ! His posse starts
cracking up, which really took the wind of his sails. I finished it off by saying "Nice pants, you faggot nigger motherfucker", which had the
cops, and a couple of older ladies laughing, while the posse tried to contain themselves. Good times, back then....

04-21-2023, 05:16 AM
"Look at those leather pants ! Only a nigger faggot would wear leather pants" ! His posse starts
cracking up, which really took the wind of his sails. I finished it off by saying "Nice pants, you faggot nigger motherfucker", which had the
cops, and a couple of older ladies laughing, while the posse tried to contain themselves. Good times, back then....

At least free speech didn't result in murderous chimpout back then. I imagine some idiot teenpaer would try to cap someone if they spoke the funny truth like that today.

You know, french fries, ketchup, dissapecks...

Ray Cizzums
04-21-2023, 10:13 AM
At least free speech didn't result in murderous chimpout back then. I imagine some idiot teenpaer would try to cap someone if they spoke the funny truth like that today.
You know, french fries, ketchup, dissapecks...

The two cops were there to head off any violence at the pass, and there weren't near as many niggers carrying guns back then.
I was coming back from work, so all I had was a knife. The Israelites actually had a permit to do that shit. Not sure how long it
continued for, because I quit commuting to NYC in '92. I did see those retards doing their usual animal act, the day the Nick
Sandman / Native American hoax started. The MSM went deaf and blind to the abuse they were hurling at those students, as
it didn't fit the narrative. They did manage to fabricate all kinds of nonsense attributed to those kids. Nick Sandman will never
have to work another day in his life, as he got huge settlements from all the defamation lawsuits. :)

Whitey Ford
04-21-2023, 10:26 AM
I did see those retards doing their usual animal act, the day the Nick
Sandman / Native American hoax started. The MSM went deaf and blind to the abuse they were hurling at those students, as
it didn't fit the narrative. They did manage to fabricate all kinds of nonsense attributed to those kids.

We don't really have a media anymore. Just an anti-whitey propaganda organ that bends over backwards to fellate the dindu, antifa and liberal scum. If you want to read real, truthful honest journalism these days, you have to go to substack. MSM doesn't want to print any real truth.