View Full Version : Nigger marauders attack a white girl in Chicago

04-17-2023, 09:35 PM
And NOTHING on the news - this will make your blood boil:


04-21-2023, 06:38 AM
I could almost hear her screaming "BUT I VOTED FOR OBAMA"!

This has to be the most pertinent comment. You have a whole plethora of foolish white kids that believe their beliefs will save them from the black pack. I remember some kid I used to work with was assaulted by a tribe of coons on the subway for no reason....." But I was wearing my Anti-Nazi league badge too " it muttered from its tears. Hopefully this was the turning point for this kid, but I doubt it. We need to send our youth to retraining camps until they fully understand the danger of the negro beast.

If you see a gang of niggers. Disappear as fast as you can. Niggers are only up to no good. It's in their tar veins.

04-21-2023, 08:12 AM
I saw that video three times already. It looks like she's getting dragged to hell.
And how proud are those "teens" that it took all of them just to curb stomp a woman half their size.
I'm still fuming about a video I saw years ago about a whole pack of niggers beating the shit out of a raccoon in the New York streets. Again, it took a whole pack of niggers to tourture one small animal to death.
The niggers were the ones filming, they'll tell on themselves 99% of the time. Showing their true nature to the world without a worry or care.
The nigger who posted the video captioned "Y'all care more about an animal than black lives, smh."
And from that point on, there was no turning back for me. Niggers are nothing but vile savages.
Thousands of years to evolve, and they're still acting like they come straight out of the jungle.

Tar Remover
04-21-2023, 11:48 AM
The usual black tar cowards. They wouldn't DREAM of doing this anywhere else and they always pick the weak and defenseless. Hopefully, if enough of these white liberal cucks get the living shit beat of them by wild apes they will stop voting for fuckin' Demoshits.
Keep voting Democrat, white idiots. They actually CARE about you.....

Tar Remover
04-21-2023, 11:49 AM
I saw that video three times already. It looks like she's getting dragged to hell.
And how proud are those "teens" that it took all of them just to curb stomp a woman half their size.
I'm still fuming about a video I saw years ago about a whole pack of niggers beating the shit out of a raccoon in the New York streets. Again, it took a whole pack of niggers to tourture one small animal to death.
The niggers were the ones filming, they'll tell on themselves 99% of the time. Showing their true nature to the world without a worry or care.
The nigger who posted the video captioned "Y'all care more about an animal than black lives, smh."
And from that point on, there was no turning back for me. Niggers are nothing but vile savages.
Thousands of years to evolve, and they're still acting like they come straight out of the jungle.

I agree, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for these white idiots. Pretty sure she voted Demoshit. If so, she got EXACTLY what she voted for.

04-21-2023, 02:12 PM
If you see a gang of niggers. Disappear as fast as you can. Niggers are only up to no good. It's in their tar veins.
AMEN!! It should be mandatory for white kids (white people in general) to repeat this sentence every morning!

04-25-2023, 12:52 AM
Libshits who think their libtardism will save them from subhuman savages are always good for a laugh. How can they be retarded enough to think that way? Did the 9/11 asslifter terrorists land the planes, let all the liberals off, and then crash them into buildings?

Tar Remover
04-26-2023, 08:28 AM
Libshits who think their libtardism will save them from subhuman savages are always good for a laugh. How can they be retarded enough to think that way? Did the 9/11 asslifter terrorists land the planes, let all the liberals off, and then crash them into buildings?

Well according to the leftists and all the other idiot Conspiracy Queers, GW hisself did it.....:lol