View Full Version : Two niggers arrested after shooting white man working on a mail box in Louisiana

04-13-2023, 04:04 PM
Two niggers shot and killed a 66 year-old human who was working on a mailbox. The niggers scouted out their target and on the third pass they shot him. For no other reason that they could.

Niggers are honestly worse than venomous snakes. If you leave a rattler alone, it won't bother you. If you leave a nigger alone, it is more likely to attack than a rattler. And at least rattlers kill vermin. Niggers don't do anything except murder and leach welfare from hard working humans.

https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/ (https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/)

04-13-2023, 10:56 PM
Two niggers shot and killed a 66 year-old human who was working on a mailbox. The niggers scouted out their target and on the third pass they shot him. For no other reason that they could.

Niggers are honestly worse than venomous snakes. If you leave a rattler alone, it won't bother you. If you leave a nigger alone, it is more likely to attack than a rattler. And at least rattlers kill vermin. Niggers don't do anything except murder and leach welfare from hard working humans.

https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/ (https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/)


I aint bin dun did dat!
04-13-2023, 11:52 PM
Venomous snakes are light years ahead of niggers. I’d cuddle up with a black mamba to go to sleep before I’d let a nigger in my home. Way better odds of surviving.

Whitey Ford
04-14-2023, 04:34 PM
Two niggers shot and killed a 66 year-old human who was working on a mailbox. The niggers scouted out their target and on the third pass they shot him. For no other reason that they could.

Niggers are honestly worse than venomous snakes. If you leave a rattler alone, it won't bother you. If you leave a nigger alone, it is more likely to attack than a rattler. And at least rattlers kill vermin. Niggers don't do anything except murder and leach welfare from hard working humans.

https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/ (https://www.fox8live.com/2023/04/11/two-arrested-after-maintenance-man-fatally-shot-while-repairing-kenner-home-police-say/)

Niggers are wayyyyyyyy worse than snakes. Not only are niggers nonproductive, but they shoot productive humans even as they are being productive. Not only are they costly dead weight, but a hindrance to progress as well. A LOSE LOSE proposition.

At least snakes have a valuable function and place in the ecosystem, culling the rodent population.

04-15-2023, 01:00 PM
Herr's sister, Laurie Forster, said Tuesday that police told her family they believe the killing was a robbery gone wrong.
Forster said her brother enjoyed maintenance work, more for the opportunity to help others than for the modest pay it afforded him.
"Who would think that my brother would be carrying any money on him?" she said.

Herr lived with their nearly 90-year-old mother and was helping to care for her, Forster said. He loved animals and was responsible for feeding dozens of stray cats near his Metairie home.
"I don't know what’s going to happen to the little cats," Forster said. "I’m just trying to be there for my mother mainly."
Foster, remembered Herr as a Christian man who visited her early in the morning for coffee and was kind to her animals: a rabbit, turtles and a bearded dragon.
"He always had a good aura about him," she said.
Editor's Note: This story has been updated to change the spelling of Laurie Forster's last name. from the article they say it was robbery gone wrong. so not fair.

Ray Cizzums
04-15-2023, 03:16 PM
The cops gotta stop it, with this "Gone wrong" or "Gone bad" nonsense. Versus what, a robbery that went right ?
For who, niggers ? WGAF how it went ? Are we to commend niggers when it "went well", and they managed to
commit armed robbery without bloodshed ? Not to mention manufacturing an excuse narrative out of thin air.

04-15-2023, 03:28 PM
What prompted the shooting? Nothing rational - just niggers being niggers!

Look at those two savages - the whole nigger species is a foul, ugly, damned evil species that we really don't need!

I was reading more on Homo erectus last night, and I'm beginning to think comparing them to niggers is an insult to them! Further NU education will only make for more violent niggers, so lethal injection is necessary!

Ray Cizzums
04-15-2023, 04:12 PM
I was reading more on Homo erectus last night, and I'm beginning to think comparing them to niggers is an insult to them! Further NU education will only make for more violent niggers, so lethal injection is necessary!

I see little difference between this : 22438
And this: 22439

04-15-2023, 04:21 PM
Savage, dangerous and utterly worthless.

04-16-2023, 10:55 AM
Venomous snakes are light years ahead of niggers. I’d cuddle up with a black mamba to go to sleep before I’d let a nigger in my home. Way better odds of surviving.

True. I've encountered rattlesnakes and if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. Niggers on the other hand... If they can shoot someone to satisfy their savage jungle instincts for for some clout on Tik-Tok or to use the shooting as inspiration for lyrics to a (c)rap song, they'll do it.

04-16-2023, 02:56 PM
The cops gotta stop it, with this "Gone wrong" or "Gone bad" nonsense. Versus what, a robbery that went right ?
For who, niggers ? WGAF how it went ? Are we to commend niggers when it "went well", and they managed to
commit armed robbery without bloodshed ? Not to mention manufacturing an excuse narrative out of thin air.

Yeah, because we know some elderly handyman would be carrying stacks of money with him.

I'm surprised it didn't say "He was in the wrong place at the wrong time". I wish I hadn't read this. I"m so angry I could cry.

It's being attributed to "Gun violence" and NO ONE will even hint that it's the endless nigger violence. Imagine the international incident this would be if two young YTs had gunned down some old silverback just for fun?

I see that story didn't bother posting the victim's picture:


Ray Cizzums
04-16-2023, 04:57 PM
The stooge police spokesman have their excuse narratives in constant rotation :
"We believe this was just a random incident"
"Wrong place, wrong time"
"Deranged", "Homeless", "Unhinged", "Mentally unstable", "Emotionally disturbed", = Problem Negro
"Mother", "Brooklyn Mom", "Homeless veteran", "Teens", "Youths", "Young boys", "Young people" = Niggers
Motive is a "Mystery"
Our shitbag Marxist "Press" repeats it verbatim, questions no witnesses, no victims, conceals ebonic names,
and typical venues and events where negro violence takes place. I call it the "Wokescreen".
But nigger, please ! Like we don't all know it's the funky blackaroon, "Doin' wut they do".

04-16-2023, 06:41 PM
Poor man was just minding his own business too. He seemed like a nice man. It is infuriating this stuff happens.

04-16-2023, 06:54 PM
Niggers doing what niggers do best. Going for easy targets and often for little or no pay off except satisfying their feral murderous instincts.

This is what the current nog-stablishments wants for us. Hiding as much as they can so they can walk us blindly to a 3rd world dystopia. They'll still be rich "journalists" , "statesmen" etc.

They'll have their walled compounds while the rest of us get to live in Road Warrior !



04-19-2023, 05:47 PM
I want to know: Where is the nationwide outrage over this? You know, the kind of outrage and headlines two inches high we see endlessly when some nigger gets batwinged. I'm so sick of this "OH THE POOR NIGGER SCHOLAR/JOGGER. He was a good boi who played bakkabaw/was an aspiring cRapper who spent his life doing good deeds and whose smile lit up the room and was mercilessly murdered by EVIL YT!"