View Full Version : A new low ? niggers throw funeral for murdered nog, then the murderers show up to batwang the fambly!!

04-11-2023, 07:21 PM
Niggers must be sweating bullets with that pea brain when they try to out nigger each other. It's the only thing they are spectacularly successful at species wide.



DR Spook
04-11-2023, 07:39 PM
From the article, “how can you be a human to target people at a funeral “. Simple, niggers aren’t human. The more the good niggers the better!

Ray Cizzums
04-11-2023, 07:42 PM
Niggers don't care what the occasion is - wake, "fooneral", anti-violence vigil, child's birfday party, hospital,
wedding reception, or cookout. The common denominator (besides niggers) : They know where the target will be.
Alley cat niggers can be difficult to locate, as they boogie around to different babuh-mommas, flop houses, they cuzzin's
place - especially when they're wanted, or need shooting for something they did (usually both). You might ask "Who
brings a gun to (insert event here)" ? NIGGERS DO !

04-11-2023, 09:47 PM
Niggers don't care what the occasion is - wake, "fooneral", anti-violence vigil, child's birfday party, hospital,
wedding reception, or cookout. The common denominator (besides niggers) : They know where the target will be.
Alley cat niggers can be difficult to locate, as they boogie around to different babuh-mommas, flop houses, they cuzzin's
place - especially when they're wanted, or need shooting for something they did (usually both). You might ask "Who
brings a gun to (insert event here)" ? NIGGERS DO !

At least we got one extra set of batwings out of the deal

04-11-2023, 10:21 PM
From the article, “how can you be a human to target people at a funeral “. Simple, niggers aren’t human. The more the good niggers the better!


04-11-2023, 10:57 PM
Niggers don't care what the occasion is - wake, "fooneral", anti-violence vigil, child's birfday party, hospital,
wedding reception, or cookout. The common denominator (besides niggers) : They know where the target will be.
Alley cat niggers can be difficult to locate, as they boogie around to different babuh-mommas, flop houses, they cuzzin's
place - especially when they're wanted, or need shooting for something they did (usually both). You might ask "Who
brings a gun to (insert event here)" ? NIGGERS DO !

Spoken like a leading authority on niggerology.

These nog stories are keeping me in stitches today. This one is funny as hell. Keep it up, mah niggas! I can use the laughs. :lol

04-11-2023, 11:16 PM
Niggers don't care what the occasion is - wake, "fooneral", anti-violence vigil, child's birfday party, hospital,
wedding reception, or cookout. The common denominator (besides niggers) : They know where the target will be.
Alley cat niggers can be difficult to locate, as they boogie around to different babuh-mommas, flop houses, they cuzzin's
place - especially when they're wanted, or need shooting for something they did (usually both). You might ask "Who
brings a gun to (insert event here)" ? NIGGERS DO !


If anyone doesn't know, and asked the question "What is a nigger ?" this has to be most succinct and accurate answer they could get.

I could even see it as a classic Hallmark card for any nigger occasion (mayhem, chimpout etc. ) it would bank monkey's balls !

04-12-2023, 12:04 AM
It's in niggerfuxated DC and niggers love shooting up coonerals

Defund Welfare
04-12-2023, 01:57 AM
From the article, “how can you be a human to target people at a funeral “. Simple, niggers aren’t human. The more the good niggers the better!

Nigger cops are always as dumb as the spooks they police, you know niggers love shooting up funerals. If their marksmanship wasn’t so bad we could make a game to see how many cooneral shootings can be chained together. Spooks get shot at a cooneral, then they have a funeral with another shooting which results in more cooneral shootings. How high could they go? Not high enough because the lazy bastards can’t aim!

04-12-2023, 06:55 PM
If their marksmanship wasn’t so bad we could make a game to see how many cooneral shootings can be chained together.

Yes, that's the sad side of the story, poor marksmanship, resulting in less goodness, only 1 so far.


04-13-2023, 10:07 AM
A new low ?
No, just the usual TNB. Niggers love shootouts at funerals (Colin Flaherty did lots of "funeral shooting" videos), probably because there are usually enough people at funerals so that even with their poor marksmanship, niggers manage to hit someone.

04-13-2023, 03:01 PM
Niggers love shootouts at funerals (Colin Flaherty did lots of "funeral shooting" videos), probably because there are usually enough people at funerals so that even with their poor marksmanship, niggers manage to hit someone.

Have not seen said vdos as yet, hope I come across them one of these days !

I guess we don't need cowboy movies anymore, we have actual niggers blasting each other to bits so often that no one can keep up with it !

04-13-2023, 03:50 PM
There is no such thing as a new low when it comes to niggers. They will surpass this event in ways not even the most imaginative chimp expert can imagine.

As I've written recently, I live in this vague and naïve hope that niggers have hit the bottom/peak of niggershines. After seeing a nigger threaten to shoot up a Chipotle over the lack of cheese in their meal or ramming a truck into a restaurant at 12:30 am because of a messed up chicken order or ram a chiggun restaurant over the lack of biscuits in their meal, I have this hope that we've hit peak niggershines and that niggers will not act like niggers for a couple of minutes.

I should know better. Even at the solemn event that is a funeral, a nigger acts like a nigger and commits niggershines that simply surpass even my wildest, most demented expectations.

04-14-2023, 08:45 AM
Have not seen said vdos as yet, hope I come across them one of these days !
Sadly, he passed away last year. Actually, he did loads of chimpout videos & podcasts (at least one per week), but YouTube deleted his channel several times. Some people re-upload some of the stuff from time to time, at various other video sites.


I guess we don't need cowboy movies anymore, we have actual niggers blasting each other to bits so often that no one can keep up with it !
True! If only they could aim better!

Whitey Ford
04-14-2023, 04:25 PM
Niggers shooting up nigger funerals is regular nigger business. Especially if its a gang nigger. When a gang nigger dies, all his gang nigger friends come to the funeral. Then rival gang niggers show up armed to shoot all the rival gang niggers who have conveniently amassed in one place. It's like shooting nigger fish in a barrel.


04-14-2023, 04:46 PM
Niggers shooting up nigger funerals is regular nigger business.

Looks like I need to catch up some on my niggerology. :lol

Nigger depravity is difficult to keep up with for the human mind.
The default assumption is that niggers will do the lowest thing imaginable, and their brains are geared to only go lower.

Whitey Ford
04-14-2023, 10:26 PM
Looks like I need to catch up some on my niggerology. :lol

Nigger depravity is difficult to keep up with for the human mind.
The default assumption is that niggers will do the lowest thing imaginable, and their brains are geared to only go lower.

Yep, nigger funerals are a hot bed of nigger gang activity.
I was trying to find this one meme on my hard drive. It was a news clipping about a nigger who had just got out of prison for a nigger gang shooting. He was on his way to a nigger funeral for a gang nigger friend who had been killed in a gang shooting. While he was walking there, some gang niggers rolled up and batwinged him. :lol

Whitey Ford
04-14-2023, 11:06 PM
Here's a nigger shooting in a Cemetery. The niggers were there for a fallen fellow gang nigger's birfday.

The investigation found that Davis and others had come to the cemetery to celebrate the birthday of a deceased friend, who had been killed in Norristown in 2013. As Davis and a friend were seated in the car they arrived in, Hawkins approached and began shooting into the vehicle at Davis, whom he knew, with his illegally altered firearm firing in fully automatic mode. In response, Davis returned gunfire with his firearm, striking and killing Hawkins. Davis possessed a legally purchased firearm and had a valid conceal carry permit.


04-14-2023, 11:24 PM
Yep, nigger funerals are a hot bed of nigger gang activity.
I was trying to find this one meme on my hard drive. It was a news clipping about a nigger who had just got out of prison for a nigger gang shooting. He was on his way to a nigger funeral for a gang nigger friend who had been killed in a gang shooting. While he was walking there, some gang niggers rolled up and batwinged him. :lol


Niggers go to funerals like humans go to the movies. It's literally their favorite entertainment. They get to put on the gaudiest nigger outfits possible, meet (and argue with) fambly over who lubbed the dead nigger the most, and maybe cap an enemy nigger afterward.


Ray Cizzums
04-15-2023, 12:01 AM

Niggers go to funerals like humans go to the movies. It's literally their favorite entertainment. They get to put on the gaudiest nigger outfits possible, meet (and argue with) fambly over who lubbed the dead nigger the most, and maybe cap an enemy nigger afterward.

The African cycle of life is on full display when you watch The First 48. When detectives visit the victim's fambly, the nest is always decorated
with shopping mall photo studio montages, that never include the pappy. The couch strains under the weight of hefty sows, ruminating about
the departed, but providing no information to officers. The episodes always conclude at a city park, where the sows and turdlers release balloons,
in memory of their short-ass lives...

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-15-2023, 12:21 AM
There is no such thing as a new low when it comes to niggers. They will surpass this event in ways not even the most imaginative chimp expert can imagine.

As I've written recently, I live in this vague and naïve hope that niggers have hit the bottom/peak of niggershines. After seeing a nigger threaten to shoot up a Chipotle over the lack of cheese in their meal or ramming a truck into a restaurant at 12:30 am because of a messed up chicken order or ram a chiggun restaurant over the lack of biscuits in their meal, I have this hope that we've hit peak niggershines and that niggers will not act like niggers for a couple of minutes.

I should know better. Even at the solemn event that is a funeral, a nigger acts like a nigger and commits niggershines that simply surpass even my wildest, most demented expectations.
It’s so damn true. I have been here a couple years now and every time I think “now that’s rockfish bottom”, niggers amaze me the very next day! Cold french fries? Bang bang mufugga!

Ray Cizzums
04-15-2023, 09:27 AM
It’s so damn true. I have been here a couple years now and every time I think “now that’s rockfish bottom”, niggers amaze me the very next day! Cold french fries? Bang bang mufugga!
To you and I - cold fries, no free cookie, not enough BBQ sauce - are trivial incidences, compromises inherent to the fast
food industry, that aren't even worth mentioning. But to a blackaroon, who just spent their last $5, it's an outrageous
unforgivable injustice. Of course, such "disrespeck" should result in trashing the location, ruining every other customer's day,
assaulting workers, and yes - "shooting motherfuckers". Niggers, with their walnut-sized brains, always go "full retard"...

04-15-2023, 09:48 AM
To you and I - cold fries, no free cookie, not enough BBQ sauce - are trivial incidences, compromises inherent to the fast food industry, that aren't even worth mentioning. But to a blackaroon, who just spent their last $5, it's an outrageous
unforgivable injustice. Of course, such "disrespeck" should result in trashing the location, ruining every other customer's day,
assaulting workers, and yes - "shooting motherfuckers". Niggers, with their walnut-sized brains, always go "full retard"...

Exactly! Besides, if some of these things really bother a human, he usually can solve the problem by asking politely. As long as the server isn't a nigger, that solves the problem. But niggers don't want their problems to be solved. They love to annoy humans, they love drama, and a chimpout is what they live for. They are a completely useless species.

Ray Cizzums
04-15-2023, 10:04 AM
Exactly! Besides, if some of these things really bother a human, he usually can solve the problem by asking politely. As long as the server isn't a nigger, that solves the problem. But niggers don't want their problems to be solved. They love to annoy humans, they love drama, and a chimpout is what they live for. They are a completely useless species.
In the primitive mind of the blackamoor, we are all just extras, in a movie about their life story. For them, the (c)rap mentality
is to answer any perceived slight, with extreme violence. Posing with weapons, and spraying gunfire everywhere, is the finale
in their "Git Rich, Or Die Tryin' " epic. The consequences never cross their primitive minds....


I aint bin dun did dat!
04-16-2023, 03:30 AM
To you and I - cold fries, no free cookie, not enough BBQ sauce - are trivial incidences, compromises inherent to the fast
food industry, that aren't even worth mentioning. But to a blackaroon, who just spent their last $5, it's an outrageous
unforgivable injustice. Of course, such "disrespeck" should result in trashing the location, ruining every other customer's day,
assaulting workers, and yes - "shooting motherfuckers". Niggers, with their walnut-sized brains, always go "full retard"...
Yep. i have been served cold fries numerous times and my thoughts were “damn it, these fries are cold. Oh well.” Just not that serious.

04-16-2023, 08:22 AM
Yep. i have been served cold fries numerous times and my thoughts were “damn it, these fries are cold. Oh well.” Just not that serious.

Exactly, if something is missing from a fast food order, well I didn't exactly need the extra calories anyway !

04-16-2023, 09:19 AM
Awwwww. Those niggers were just trying to be kind. They wanted to save that family some money on cost to transport to the dumping ground for the niggers.

04-18-2023, 10:23 PM
Yep. i have been served cold fries numerous times and my thoughts were “damn it, these fries are cold. Oh well.” Just not that serious.

Exactly, if something is missing from a fast food order, well I didn't exactly need the extra calories anyway !

I flashed back to a white guy, maybe 40, bringing his milkshake to the Wendy's counter and showing there was a huge air bubble. Maybe he was a little rude in saying something like, "Can we get this made right the second time?" The white teen girl, though, didn't react in any way except politely taking his cup, and filling a new cup for him.

You can't expect anywhere near that level of civility from niggers. The counter worker would be just as likely as the nigger customer to pull out a Hi-Point and start shooting.

Hey, this gives me an idea for a new request for our graphics guru, IseDaDiva. Could she turn this into a niggerized meme, maybe with Sheeeeeit Tyrone?