View Full Version : Nigger (c)rapper XXXTentacion's nigger killaz sentenced to NU for life

04-06-2023, 06:29 PM
Nigger rapper goes to motorcycle shop with $50k in a Louis Vuitton bag, four other niggers hatch a plan to steal the money and then kill him. One less violent nigger with a rap sheet longer than the eyes can see, and three niggers away from humans for life and another waiting to be sentenced. Perhaps there is a benefit to rap music after all.

“This is a loss we will never truly recover from,” he said. “We will never get to see Jahseh live to his full potential, we will never get to watch him grow old, we will never get to watch him be a father.”

Sorry, but if full potential was rapping and committing niggershines, then that is a potential no sane human would wish to see.


04-06-2023, 06:38 PM
As you note, this is the ONLY good thing to come out of the cRapper toilet of bixnood trash nigger babble.

Let the cycle of batwangs and NU assigments continue. Maybe one day they'll run out of ghetto nogs that want to be cRap stars. Naaaah

Ray Cizzums
04-07-2023, 12:03 AM
Banks are full of nigger employees, who keep a keen eye out for anyone withdrawing cash, or visiting their
safe deposit box. These three jaboons knew what he was carrying. The first thing any good detective would
do is look at cell phone traffic of employees, when the (c)rapper came in for the money. I'll bet they didn't
charge the sheboon that set it up - after she fingered the shooters....

04-07-2023, 01:50 AM
I remember when I heard about that, almost everyone on youtube was basically crying over that nigger, had profile pictures set to his face too and all that. Well, it took them a while for them to finally corral those niggers and put them in their cages. Glad to see law and order is being put back in place, slowly but at least an effort is being made and it's not just sidelined or a very light slap on the wrist this time.

04-07-2023, 07:56 AM
I remember when I heard about that, almost everyone on youtube was basically crying over that nigger, had profile pictures set to his face too and all that. Well, it took them a while for them to finally corral those niggers and put them in their cages. Glad to see law and order is being put back in place, slowly but at least an effort is being made and it's not just sidelined or a very light slap on the wrist this time.

The same goes for when Nipsey Hussle was batwinged. He was all over the news and being treated like some mix between Jesus and Gandhi with word skills comparable to Shakespeare, but I'd never heard of him. Morbid curiosity pushed me into checking out his music on YouTube and it was the typical (c)rapper garbage with videos with rented Lambos, and lyrics which consisted of "hoes, bitches, tricks, niggaz, Glock, Crips, Bloods, Gs" etc. Total shit.

Ray Cizzums
04-07-2023, 11:10 AM
The same goes for when Nipsey Hussle was batwinged. He was all over the news and being treated like some mix between Jesus and Gandhi with word skills comparable to Shakespeare, but I'd never heard of him. Morbid curiosity pushed me into checking out his music on YouTube and it was the typical (c)rapper garbage with videos with rented Lambos, and lyrics which consisted of "hoes, bitches, tricks, niggaz, Glock, Crips, Bloods, Gs" etc. Total shit.
Everything has to be a "Hustle" with niggers. One spook I used to torment on Flyheight was jibbering about "Muh side hustle".
I said "First of all, nigger, your front "hustle" is leeching off your welfare babymommas. Us vastly superior whites have what is
known as a JOB. You should look into getting one. And we know what your side hustle is - it involves wearing a mini-skirt and go-go
boots, and standing on the corner".

04-07-2023, 02:05 PM
Well, it took them a while for them to finally corral those niggers and put them in their cages. Glad to see law and order is being put back in place, slowly but at least an effort is being made and it's not just sidelined or a very light slap on the wrist this time.

Florida is actually pretty good about following through on that. If multiple niggers are involved in a murder, most of them are going down for murder 1, LIFE baby !
The rest who had bit parts or snitched end up with 2nd degree and 15- 30. Dunno if the libtard states are much lighter on the accessory nogs.

04-08-2023, 08:44 AM
Florida is actually pretty good about following through on that. If multiple niggers are involved in a murder, most of them are going down for murder 1, LIFE baby !
The rest who had bit parts or snitched end up with 2nd degree and 15- 30. Dunno if the libtard states are much lighter on the accessory nogs.

There was the incident in NYC when the Puerto Rican storeowner was shot by a nigger, but managed to fight back and shot and killed the nigger. The Puerto Rican was charged with murder until the outcry against NYC Attorney General, the nigger Alvin Bragg, was so strong that the charges were dropped.

I avoid libtard areas and libtard states like the plague. Liberals and niggers are NOT a good combination for law-abiding humans.

Ray Cizzums
04-08-2023, 07:12 PM
There was the incident in NYC when the Puerto Rican storeowner was shot by a nigger, but managed to fight back and shot and killed the nigger. The Puerto Rican was charged with murder until the outcry against NYC Attorney General, the nigger Alvin Bragg, was so strong that the charges were dropped.
The woketurd hack squad at the NY Post tried to bury Jose Alba, with their first headline reading "Killed for a bag of chips".
They'd done it before, with the "Black birdwatcher" hoax - where they ruined a "Karen's" life, after she called 911 about a
boon who was threatening her in Central Park. Their "bag of chips" narrative fell apart, as did nigger Bragg's murder case,
when the video showed the wild sheboon, and her shit-stain boyfriend, assaulting Alba. The scum at the Post beat a hasty
retreat, but it was too little, too late. That didn't stop them from taking the nigger's side again, in the recent "killed for a bag
of skrimps" fish store altercation, where they describe a "dispute" over said skrimps, when it's clear on the video that the nigger
was stealing them. The employees took them away from the spook, who returned with his brother, and assaulted the staff, resulting
in batwings for one. Then the Post lets the nigger fambly spin about what good boys their thieving sons were. Fuck the NY Post !

04-14-2023, 03:56 AM
I hate that slang term 'Karen', it is very disrespectful to white women and I find it racist. For one that slang term 'Karen' is always associated with white women in particular who are going off on someone for whatever reason it may be and then recorded by some idiot on their phone to garner views and make a mockery out of that person. Sure there are some women who put on a show for the things of little to no importance but why label relatively tame women who have genuine problems as karens? Are they not allowed to speak up about there problem? If there are Karen compilations, so help me I will make Shaniqua compilations of my own. Besides, there is hundreds if not thousands of hours of Shaniquas being a total Shaniqua almost every day. They chimpout easily so finding some good footage and compiling into a compilation for us to mock them by should not be a difficult task. If they want to continue to call women "Karens" then they shouldn't have a problem with us calling niggeresses Shaniqua's. Fair is fair right? And if they have a problem with that and start to bitch about racism, one can remind them easily that the word "Karen" is not exactly a flattery word to call white women that have their moments of rage being recorded by a third party. Time to throw their stupidity right back at them.

04-14-2023, 05:01 AM
so help me I will make Shaniqua compilations of my own. Besides, there is hundreds if not thousands of hours of Shaniquas being a total Shaniqua almost every day. They chimpout easily so finding some good footage and compiling into a compilation for us to mock them by should not be a difficult task. If they want to continue to call women "Karens" then they shouldn't have a problem with us calling niggeresses Shaniqua's. Fair is fair right? And if they have a problem with that and start to bitch about racism, one can remind them easily that the word "Karen" is not exactly a flattery word to call white women that have their moments of rage being recorded by a third party. Time to throw their stupidity right back at them.

If you start making "Shaniqua" comps, you will be a non-stop coontent provider !