View Full Version : Nigger shouting at the Irish, saying the niggers will wipe us out in "the new world order."

04-03-2023, 11:44 PM

Cheers to the based Irish to telling a typical nigger that she needs to get the fuck out and back to her shitstain country of origin.
Can't sleep on these niggers. As soon as you turn your back, you collect a shank/shiv.

The Alternative View said it best, we've all said it; "Niggers haven't taken anything. Their freedoms have been given to them and they repay us with malicious behavior and malevolent intent."
Never forget. Never forgive. Never nigger.

04-04-2023, 07:18 AM
Thatts very retarded,
obviously in this situation you should, kick the shit out of said nigger

04-04-2023, 08:50 AM
Thatts very retarded,
obviously in this situation you should, kick the shit out of said nigger
If the world had any sense left.
As it is graffitied across my beloved Ireland, a black tea kettle with the anarchy "A" scratched into it and the words "Something's brewing."
People are waking up, though gradually. Seeing niggers for the worthless shit skins they are.
I rewatched the clip of Tyre Nibbles getting good. Nigger called out for his sow momma while it was getting beaten to death on a sidewalk. St. Floyd did the same thing.
Wtf was their useless mother going to do against the cops? niggers are a race of children. They got got and their first reaction is to call to their, sorry "they" parents.

Saw a couple of YouTube shorts with white men breeding nigger women. idiocy. Now those oil drillers have sons that will have half formed smooth brains.
Get a chance to go check out Christopher Titus' channel too, see if you can troll him for a bit like I did. I used to like that comedian until he went woke. Made his whole white audience apologize to niggers that weren't even watching his show.

Tar Remover
04-11-2023, 05:39 AM
I was hoping the lady filming this screeching monkey would set the phone down and go take out the trash.

04-13-2023, 10:20 AM
As soon as the left has destroyed our economies (they are working hard on that), these savage beasts will hopefully starve.