View Full Version : 12 year old nigger hoax

03-31-2023, 11:55 PM

Anyone else see this retarded nigger hoax designed to generate money through internet infamy? Some idiotic mother thinks she can get away with promoting and pretending their adult son to be 12 years old, despite holding a college football trophy (age and grade requirements prohibit participation in said sporting events, thus disqualifying the ape from even being considered for the award) and we are all supposed to be believe it.
Yes, this 5'11, muscled, mustacioed, 220 lb, nigger buck is somehow magically 12 years old. I watched a video interview with the MAN and he is unmistakably a MAN. The dude looks a full decade older. He IS a full decade older.

But the media would have you believe otherwise because being "woke" and "progressive" means believing and promoting utter lies like this nigger buck is 12 years old, and biological men can be women, and can also have periods, and give birth. At the end of the day, reality is unchanged. But that is little solace for us living in the real world, amongst an entire generation and culture that has lost the literal plot. Now 12 year old nigger bucks are magical men who can compete against 250 lb linebackers. And nobody says a word. Fuck me in the ear, I hate this alternate reality they are trying to force upon us.

Tar Remover
04-06-2023, 08:29 AM
The Coonback..... Yeah, niggers will try every possible angle to scam unsuspecting white idiots....

04-07-2023, 09:18 AM
But the media would have you believe otherwise because being "woke" and "progressive" means believing and promoting utter lies like this nigger buck is 12 years old, and biological men can be women, and can also have periods, and give birth.
Exactly! Clown world! But everyone who dared to disagree was declared the ultimate evil, Nazi, etc. In Australia, a court recently decided that it is rightful when a schoolgirl demands special rights because she identifies as a cat. (She threw a tantrum when a classmate sat down on an empty chair beside her, because that was where her 'tail' was.)

04-25-2023, 12:58 AM
Reminds me of that big nigger buck on one of those "border force" shows. That Nigerian illegal alien rapefugee buck was a big, full-grown nigger and it was blatantly obvious that it was at least 30 years old, but said it was 15 and wanted to enter the UK because its "parents" had been "killed." The dumb cucks let it in pending application for asylum, and at the end of the show it was revealed that Sambo never showed up for his hearing and was now on the loose in England.

04-25-2023, 07:16 PM
Reminds me of that big nigger buck on one of those "border force" shows. That Nigerian illegal alien rapefugee buck was a big, full-grown nigger and it was blatantly obvious that it was at least 30 years old, but said it was 15 and wanted to enter the UK because its "parents" had been "killed." The dumb cucks let it in pending application for asylum, and at the end of the show it was revealed that Sambo never showed up for his hearing and was now on the loose in England.

I saw that! The nigger claimed to be 15 and and anyone with half a brain could see he was, yes, at least 30. The authorities just shrugged and let the scamming buck scuttle off free and didn't even try to stop it from escaping.

I'm sure it became a productive hard-working, tax paying citizen and never considered joining with other "Welcome Migrants" Niggergerians to set up new scamming stations.

04-25-2023, 10:18 PM
Reminds me of that big nigger buck on one of those "border force" shows. That Nigerian illegal alien rapefugee buck was a big, full-grown nigger and it was blatantly obvious that it was at least 30 years old, but said it was 15 and wanted to enter the UK because its "parents" had been "killed." The dumb cucks let it in pending application for asylum, and at the end of the show it was revealed that Sambo never showed up for his hearing and was now on the loose in England.

Kinda like the Illegals here!!

04-26-2023, 02:23 AM
Kinda like the Illegals here!!

Also known as "border niggers"!

04-26-2023, 02:26 AM
This sort of BS has been a huge problem in Little League baseball for decades. Dominicoons and other island niggers, armed with fake or nonexistent birf certificates (sound familiar?) pretend to be much younger than they really are so that big, hulking, testosterone-filled 16-year-old Dominicoons can play in the same league as 12-year-old American boys and "dominate" and gain an undeserved myth as "great affletes."

04-26-2023, 09:13 AM
Also known as "border niggers"!
