View Full Version : "Nurse" sow drives 130mph, kills 6, dindu nuffin

03-31-2023, 03:29 PM
A traveling, so-called nurse sow from Houston accused of barrelling through a red light at 130 mph, and causing a fiery wreck that killed six people, including an 8-month gravid sow and her unborn larva, may have had a seizure, her lawyer said.

Dindu nuffin!

Nicole Linton’s attorney, Jacqueline Sparagna, says her client was incapacitated by a seizure when she tore through a Los Angeles (https://lawandcrime.com/?s=%22los%20angeles%22) intersection in August.

“Rather, she was suffering from mental health issues that culminated in a seizure. Period.”


The company which farmed out an ICU nurse with her own 'profound' mental health problems is refusing to comment on how she was vetted for the job

They couldn't refuse to hire this whacked-out sow. That would be rayciss.


BUT, she must be thanked for ridding humanity of these, especially the grotesque top-left tranny-look sow who was on the verge of squatting, grunting, and shitting out another niglet. I would vote for no jail time, but the sow might kill humans next time:



I aint bin dun did dat!
03-31-2023, 05:07 PM
Woohoo! A nigger, nigger missile :lol

03-31-2023, 05:09 PM
This "nurse" drove her Mercedes like hell, and sent 6 co-niggers to hell. One sow was pregnant, I think. Imagine how many innocent lives were spared! I'm ok to setting her free, but be limited only in Detroit.

03-31-2023, 05:34 PM
Sounds like that batfairy was looking out for the humans on this one. :thumb

I can't find anything I object to in this story. The "dinduffin" is just expected.

Just get it off the "skreet" so it's not running down humans in LA next time, de-nursed would be a bonus !

Ray Cizzums
03-31-2023, 07:13 PM
Her POS lawyer claims : "She was habbin' a seeze-ya" ! I've seen several videos, of out-of-control sheboons,
caught by police in the act, with the friend yelling that, or "She's pregnant", while rolling around on the pavement,
resisting arrest. They always make sure they're diverted to the hospital, before heading for the county lockup...

Marchin Looter Coon
04-01-2023, 01:31 AM
Too bad the nigger bitch didn't croak herself