View Full Version : Is This The Start of the Civil War?

Keep Britain White
03-31-2023, 10:11 AM
Although I predicted in 2018 that the USA would be at civil war by the end of 2024, I have always hoped I would be wrong.
But now, with the indictment of President Trump, I'm beginning to feel very uneasy.
America is going down the pan - fast!

I hope and pray that all you freedom-loving friends here survive what I think is coming.
I will take no pleasure if my prediction should come true.
The entire western system of democracy now depends on the election of Trump in 2024.

Yet another example of what happens when niggers are put into positions of power. Will white people never learn?

04-02-2023, 07:42 AM
Although I predicted in 2018 that the USA would be at civil war by the end of 2024, I have always hoped I would be wrong.
But now, with the indictment of President Trump, I'm beginning to feel very uneasy.
America is going down the pan - fast!

I hope and pray that all you freedom-loving friends here survive what I think is coming.
I will take no pleasure if my prediction should come true.
The entire western system of democracy now depends on the election of Trump in 2024.

Yet another example of what happens when niggers are put into positions of power. Will white people never learn?
Sadly, I came to the conclusion that they won't, until it is too late, and they have become minorities in their own countries.