View Full Version : Mudshark heartthrob mixigroid Taylorbeast gets bagged for kiddy Pr0nZ

03-30-2023, 06:21 PM
I don' t know this shitskin, but it seems some human bachelorettes wanted to burn coal with it.

Apparently the white tail just wasn't enough, and it was delving into kids. Filthy, way more than a drop, nigger !



03-30-2023, 06:31 PM
I was just coming here to post this.

The network noted at the time that “Josh is extremely family oriented and finding someone he can bring home to hang with his amazing family for a night of barbeque and playing cards is his dream come true.”

Yeah, well - all those whores are WAY too old for him. He likes kiddies. IMO? This is an automatic death sentence, but since it's a VIP nigger:

. allegedly uploaded 50 pictures and videos depicting child sexual abuse. Tylerbeast has pleaded not guilty to 15 felony counts of possession of materials showing a sexual performance by a child and was released on a $5,000 bond.

I know no one wants to persecute a Nigger with Money but if any libtards think there is a "cure" for kiddy diddlers, other than them assuming room temperature, they are delusional.

I'll gladly pull the switch on the nigger.


Ray Cizzums
03-30-2023, 07:44 PM
That nigger is going away. A fairly well known musician, from my home town, did the exact same thing - uploaded
some sort of kiddy porn, and he got and served a one year federal sentence. The dude had money, but that just
doesn't help in federal court. The feds have about a 97% conviction rate, and you better take any plea bargain they
offer, because there usually isn't one. A lot of commercial fisherman I know got their heads handed to them on a
silver platter, because if you followed all the rules, you'd be out of business. These guys were stripped down to a
carcass - no boat, no job, no home, no bank account - and some of them had to do time. I know narcotics dealers
that got to keep half their shit, ffs.

03-30-2023, 08:46 PM
That nigger is going away. A fairly well known musician, from my home town, did the exact same thing - uploaded
some sort of kiddy porn, and he got and served a one year federal sentence. The dude had money, but that just
doesn't help in federal court. The feds have about a 97% conviction rate, and you better take any plea bargain they
offer, because there usually isn't one. A lot of commercial fisherman I know got their heads handed to them on a
silver platter, because if you followed all the rules, you'd be out of business. These guys were stripped down to a
carcass - no boat, no job, no home, no bank account - and some of them had to do time. I know narcotics dealers
that got to keep half their shit, ffs.

One year? Cheating on taxes will get you ten times that.

Ray Cizzums
03-30-2023, 09:06 PM
One year? Cheating on taxes will get you ten times that.

Actual kid-touchers are doing less than a year - as long as they're black. Ethnicity figures heavily into
the outcomes of such cases. Anything that reduces the numbers of niggers in jail, to sooth the wokies....

03-30-2023, 10:04 PM
Actual kid-touchers are doing less than a year - as long as they're black. Ethnicity figures heavily into
the outcomes of such cases. Anything that reduces the numbers of niggers in jail, to sooth the wokies....

Someone really thinks a year in prison will cure a pedophile?

And of course, niggers get off completely or easily. No one gives a shit about these abused kids, especially if they're of white privilege, because they don't vote or pay taxes. The libtards like Robin Steinberg are way more concerned that a big nigger buck's feelings might be hurt or it might have a mental health crises if locked up.

03-30-2023, 10:22 PM
I was just coming here to post this.

Yeah, well - all those whores are WAY too old for him. He likes kiddies. IMO? This is an automatic death sentence, but since it's a VIP nigger:

I know no one wants to persecute a Nigger with Money but if any libtards think there is a "cure" for kiddy diddlers, other than them assuming room temperature, they are delusional.

I'll gladly pull the switch on the nigger.


As would I!!

04-01-2023, 02:31 PM
Shame. A good looking gal who has made herself unwanted by humans by merely looking like she wanted to be penetrated by an ape.

Human ladies: once you go black, we don't want you back!