View Full Version : Nigger kills cop in Huntsville

03-29-2023, 07:11 PM
Nigger Juan murders cop and shoots another. I travel by this road on a semi-regular basis. I also drive through other nigger-infested shitholes in this city on a semi-regular basis.

I probably have to take my own advice, which is to avoid the groid.

Also, the spook was arrested twice in two months last year, but liberal coddlers think he wuz a gud boy who dindu nuthins! Which is never the case with a nigger.


Ray Cizzums
03-29-2023, 08:13 PM
Back in the day, that nigger wouldn't live to see the inside of a jail cell.
I'm hoping that Alabama doesn't coddle locked up niggers, like they do here in NY...

Whitey Ford
03-30-2023, 01:04 AM

Damn nigger has a history of TNB.

"I predict there will be a capital conviction. Then, it's life or death. That's what the defense lawyers job in this case is going to be—arguing for this defendant's life," Mark McDaniel said.

This isn't Laws' first interaction with law enforcement.

He is facing felony assault charges for shooting and hurting two people in downtown Huntsville in January 2022. His case was handed to a grand jury, but he has yet to be indicted.


Ray Cizzums
03-30-2023, 09:36 AM
This nigger will be a hero inside the joint. Too bad "Hard labor" sentences are considered "cruel and unusual".
Me working my ass off to pay for niggers is A: hard labor, and B: a life sentence. Let's grind down these niggers
physically, whenever they do time, so they're too worn out to commit crimes, and are afraid of going back inside....

03-30-2023, 11:36 AM
I'd say send an AC 130 over the area where it happened and rake it a bit to let them know who's boss.

03-30-2023, 12:03 PM
Back in the day, that nigger wouldn't live to see the inside of a jail cell.
I'm hoping that Alabama doesn't coddle locked up niggers, like they do here in NY...

For the most part, except in the bigger cities run by nigger-loving liberals, Alabama doesn't tolerate niggershines. More prisons are being built to accommodate these murder monkeys who think they can act like their fellow niggers in NY, Chicoongo, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc.

The spirit of George Wallace still looms over Alabama, and he didn't have much tolerance for niggers getting out of line. Imagine if he had been president: niggershines on a national level would have been curb-stomped out.

Mudsharking is rare in Alabama, and still looked upon with disgust. It's considered genealogical treason. My wife is Alabama born and bred. Her parents were big Wallace supporters; hearing my mother-in-law say 'nigger' is refreshing to hear. And, of course, my family has never committed bestiality.

03-30-2023, 05:04 PM
The spirit of George Wallace still looms over Alabama, and he didn't have much tolerance for niggers getting out of line.

Sweet Home Alabama :whip

03-30-2023, 05:35 PM
Back in the day, that nigger wouldn't live to see the inside of a jail cell.
I'm hoping that Alabama doesn't coddle locked up niggers, like they do here in NY...

I was thinking the same thing. Even I recall when killing a cop was a automatic death sentence. Niggers are now exempt I guess.

This isn't Laws' first interaction with law enforcement.

NO! Really?? He looks like such a fine boy who loved everyone, would give anyone the shirt off his back and whose smile lit up a room. I'm shocked.