View Full Version : Ze'Shawn pretends to be a Navy SEAL to scam gullible businesses, mudshark & idiots out of $$$$$$$$$

Whitey Ford
03-28-2023, 06:34 PM
Stolen Valor nigger. :bat
Fontana man gets 10 years in federal prison for scamming romantic partners, businesses


A San Bernardino County man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for defrauding eight women, some of whom he developed romantic relationships with, as well as nine businesses.

Over the span of six years, Ze’Shawn Stanley Campbell, 35, of Fontana, conned victims into believing that he was a successful business investor, millionaire and former Navy SEAL.

He claimed that he would use the victims’ money and property to support his businesses, fund investments on the victims’ behalf, or pay his purported medical bills, according to the United States Department of Justice.

“To enhance his purported creditworthiness in [the victims’] eyes, he told them lies, such as falsely saying that he had millions of dollars and operated successful businesses, including McDonald’s franchises, a security company and a chain of gyms in Texas,” the DOJ said in a statement. “Campbell also boosted his stature with the victims by falsely telling them he was a successful investor in real estate and Bitcoin, as well as claiming he had served as a Navy SEAL in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.”


I aint bin dun did dat!
03-28-2023, 07:52 PM
Not much worse than stolen valor. I would only put pedophiles and cold blooded murderers behind this sorry nigger.

Ray Cizzums
03-28-2023, 09:20 PM
Yeah right, a nigger that can swim.
That alone should have tipped off everyone....

03-28-2023, 09:58 PM
How fucking stupid would someone have to be to fall for this bullshit?

Anyone named "Ze'Shawn" could never, ever make it as a Navy SEAL. Same as why you'll never meet a rocket scientist, brain surgeon, or actual successful businessman named "Ze'Shawn."

03-28-2023, 10:02 PM
One incident that took place in December 2017 saw a victim write Campbell a check for $61,452 that was to be invested in Bitcoin on their behalf. Instead, Campbell made payments on a BMW and Mercedes-Benz that he had leased in a different victim’s name.

Sorry, but I find it difficult to feel sympathy for people who hand over large sums of money to anyone, especially a damned nigger, to invest or buy anything on their behalf. One thing I learned working at a stock exchange is: NEVER give anyone control of your money. Take care of it yourself. If you don't know how, learn.

Of course, the nigger couldn't hold on to his ill-gotten gains but had to show off with Mercedes, etc. Stupid niggers are just like children who get a "whole buncha munny" and can't wait to blow it all.


Silly groid.


Whitey Ford
03-29-2023, 01:49 AM
How fucking stupid would someone have to be to fall for this bullshit?

Anyone named "Ze'Shawn" could never, ever make it as a Navy SEAL. Same as why you'll never meet a rocket scientist, brain surgeon, or actual successful businessman named "Ze'Shawn."

This picture, right here. One of them is a pro dindu golfer. The rest are Navy SEALs. Notice anything strange about this pic? :lol

03-29-2023, 02:13 AM
Dumb bimbo got taken by a nigger's charms. Stupid as hell moron.

Hint #1: Nigger. = dishonest, thief, felon
Hint #2: Ze Shawn or whatever nonhuman name
Hint #3: A nigger investor/professional?

Nigger prey on the weak, and the weak-minded.

03-29-2023, 09:01 AM
Yeah right, a nigger that can swim.
That alone should have tipped off everyone....

03-29-2023, 11:16 AM
This picture, right here. One of them is a pro dindu golfer. The rest are Navy SEALs. Notice anything strange about this pic? :lol

This pic puzzled me so much I needed to know the context:

ESPN Runs Massive Story On Tiger Woods And His Obsession With Becoming A Navy SEAL

“Tiger Woods never got wet and sandy,” says former SEAL and current Montana congressman Ryan Zinke, who ran the training facility during the years Tiger came around. The BUD/S instructors didn’t like the way Tiger talked about how he’d have been a SEAL if he didn’t choose golf. “I just reached out to the guys I know who jumped with him and interacted with him,” says a retired SEAL. “Not a single one wants to have any involvement, or have their name mentioned in the press anywhere near his. His interactions with the guys were not always the most stellar, and most were very underwhelmed with him as a man.“

He’s a weird f—ing guy. That’s weird s—. Something’s wrong with you.”


Whitey Ford
03-29-2023, 02:25 PM
This pic puzzled me so much I needed to know the context:

The Navy tries to promote the image that a groid named David Goggins is the world's toughest Navy SEAL. But, some of the guys that served with him have very different things to say.


03-29-2023, 02:49 PM
This picture, right here. One of them is a pro dindu golfer. The rest are Navy SEALs. Notice anything strange about this pic? :lol
Hmm what do you mean? They brought their own target to the shooting range, didn't they?

Chimp Detester
03-29-2023, 03:08 PM
Ze’Shawn Stanley Campbell, you sub-cockroach vile worthless mega-turd crap-beast: I for one am thrilled to see that your useless nigger ass was properly wrangled and caged. While I honor and respect our true Navy Seals, none, unlike you, are the color of poop.

And Ze’Shawn Stanley Campbell: I wish you the most pain-filled ten years of your useless parasite existence during your enrollment @ NU. May every human classmate mistake you for a punching bag and every fellow nigger buck mistake you for a muhkoochie.



And speaking of muhkoochie, meet your new NU cellmate, the sex-crazed, aids-infected niggerpotomus, Kalvin the Krazy Koon. And Kalvin does not know the meaning of the word "no". Nor does Kalvin accept being on the bottom, while he reams out your hemorrhoids, with its vile aids stick. You, Ze’Shawn Stanley Campbell, will achieve levels of pain never before experienced by a nigger crap beast. Meet Kalvin:


03-29-2023, 03:43 PM
The Navy tries to promote the image that a groid named David Goggins is the world's toughest Navy SEAL. But, some of the guys that served with him have very different things to say.



I'd say Jocko is probably the toughest Navy Seal and - surprise! - he's not a nigger. :lol


Comments are hilarious.

knot a Knigger
03-29-2023, 04:41 PM

03-29-2023, 05:22 PM
Being a SEAL requires extremely hard work, brain power and an ability to think on one's feet, and above all integrity. In other words, something that a nigger is incapable of doing.