View Full Version : Mattis DESTROYS Pentagon for $28 Million in Obama Era WASTE!

07-24-2017, 09:40 PM
So get this, during the last 10 years including the entire Obama era, the pentagon wasted $28 million dollars on camouflage pattern uniforms. What made these uniforms a total waste of money? They match FOREST terrain that only makes up 2% of Afghanistan as opposed to the DESERT terrain that makes up 98%. How stupid can a head of purchasing possibly get??? Just another example of how Taxpayer dollars were simply THROWN OUT during the Obama era. From FoxNews Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has chided the Pentagon for its “cavalier or casually acquiescent decisions to spend taxpayer dollars in an

More... (http://truthfeed.com/mattis-destroys-pentagon-for-28-million-in-obama-era-waste/94651/)