View Full Version : 130 MH Jungle Bat Nurse, Killed 6, Was "Habbin' A Seeze-ya" !

Ray Cizzums
03-23-2023, 09:43 PM
Take a look at this privet hedge-headed sociopath, who burned 6 people alive, after she had a fight with her "boo",
and intentionally crashed her car into an intersection, at 130 MPH.
Now her shyster claims, "She froze" because "She was habbin' a seeze-ya" ! Fuck your mother for having you, counselor !

03-23-2023, 10:19 PM
They take what few brain cells they get, and blow it on batwanging and being batshit crazy...

Sowboons are the MOST random and batshit of all sub-human forms. No sense of proportion at all when they chimp, no one is safe.

Nice try getting her off for it, epileptic, AND too dumb to take its meds. Don't think it'll wash with the judge tho.

So much for its monkey "nursing" career !