View Full Version : The Great NYPD Snakehead Round Up of 2023

Whitey Ford
03-23-2023, 03:55 PM

Whitey Ford
03-23-2023, 03:59 PM
Here's their lovely niggermusic video. Some of the comments on there are hilarious.


Ray Cizzums
03-23-2023, 07:58 PM
As you travel from one NYC block to the next, you'll see little niggers, 8-12 years old - trying to look like kids hanging out,
on stoops, bicycles, street corners - but they are actually lookouts, for the gangs. Working in the area for a while, and you'll
see their methods of signaling. Older coons on cell phones are up in buildings, waiting for their cues. The trap locations
instantly retract, and customers disperse. The gangsta niggers seen here, with the shit-twizzler hurra doos, only appear
to collect money, and shoot rivals. Decades ago, we went to an address to do an install, in what appeared to be a decent area,
and there seemed to be quite a commotion, and displacement of people, upon our arrival. NYC skells have always thought I was
"The 5-0", wherever I went - then it dawned on one of our helpers, an ex-junkie, that we were at one of the busiest dope spots
in Manhattan. Our customer, an Asian, had just bought the building right next door....

Tar Remover
04-07-2023, 11:33 AM
Niggers are sneaky. He will have to fumigate the whole niggerhood....

Whitey Ford
04-07-2023, 10:00 PM
Our customer, an Asian, had just bought the building right next door....

Here comes the neighborhood! :lol

I used to work for a defense contractor that got a great deal on an industrial building up on Central and somewhere in the outer avenues. They got a "great deal" because it was next door to crack nigger central. They finally had to resort to hiring a small crew of off duty cops to secure the parking lot so crack niggers, panhandlers and assorted riff raff didn't harm the employees going to work.