View Full Version : Watch these videos and tell me the rich aren't trying to condition us for something worse.

03-19-2023, 03:15 PM

Nigger prisoners being dumped all over Europe.
Now, logically, there's no way in hell whites will allow this to happen. We're out of patience for this shit.
I'm still waiting to see video coverage of pissed off whites dragging migrants out of their hotels. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm saying migrants shouldn't be in our countries to begin with.
I'm as angry as the next guy watching his country get infected and eaten out from the inside, but seriously? They're dumping their PRISONERS in our countries? Murderers, rapists and pedos even by nigger standards?
What would be the logical reason to accept them? Why would they willingly let them in unless they're trying to get us to hate each other?

In other news, a Chinese guy managed to piss off EVERYONE IN KENYA just because he was selling imported Chinese goods cheaper than Chinese stuff is usually sold in Kenya.
The reason being is that Kenya niggers were getting pissed that the Chinese can sell their own stuff cheaper and easier than niggers can sell Chinese stuff. Try wrapping your head around that one, it's not hard.
Greedy niggers want money, they don't understand the intricacies of an economy or how being a business partner works, then they chase out their business partners and literally get high on their own shit (Haha, Jenkem)


On an unrelated note, I pissed off a Kenya sow for pointing out jenkem is a thing (shoutout to Tar Remover for that silver bullet) and she all-caps me saying "WHITE DEVIL! AMERICA DO WITCH CRAFT! YOU FUCK DOGS!"
I'm still confused where niggers got the idea we fuck dogs. I think they see the horrible shit that goes on in their own backwater country, they KNOW it's bad and they just point the finger at us and say that we do it. Kind of like what they're doing in Rapefrica to the Chinese, now.

03-19-2023, 10:00 PM
Niggers complaining about invaders. Now that's the definition of Ironic. The nigger mud-flood into the rest of the world has been a disaster. The Chinese are conquering Africa with investment so they can extract their resources. Modern day colonialism - but because they don't give a fuck as they aren't besotted with fucking with white guilt, they have no fucks to give.

03-19-2023, 11:03 PM
Niggers complaining about invaders. Now that's the definition of Ironic. The nigger mud-flood into the rest of the world has been a disaster. The Chinese are conquering Africa with investment so they can extract their resources. Modern day colonialism - but because they don't give a fuck as they aren't besotted with fucking with white guilt, they have no fucks to give.

Now there is a chunk of the puzzle I had not considered before. Speaking from a hypothetical government seat, this really puts the chess pieces in a headlock, or at the very least a clogged sewage pipe.
So lets see: China is upping their game, moving across Africa and the Middle East, so the niggers are dumping fighting age men into our countries to conquer us slowly from within...Holy shit.
I can't believe I didn't see it years ago. It's always China. That's on my white perception of "live and letting live" not giving a fuck about our neighbors until they blow something up. It's Pearl Harbor all over again.
Dude, THIS explains why Saudi Arabia keeps trying to build those tourist trap mega structures! THEIR in China's debt trap along with their neighboring nigger countries!! It all makes sense now!!! China was the new Hitler all along!!!

03-20-2023, 07:19 AM

Nigger prisoners being dumped all over Europe.
Now, logically, there's no way in hell whites will allow this to happen. We're out of patience for this shit.
I'm still waiting to see video coverage of pissed off whites dragging migrants out of their hotels and beating them to death. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm saying migrants shouldn't be in our countries to begin with.
I'm as angry as the next guy watching his country get infected and eaten out from the inside, but seriously? They're dumping their PRISONERS in our countries? Murderers, rapists and pedos even by nigger standards?
What would be the logical reason to accept them? Why would they willingly let them in unless they're trying to get us to hate each other?

In other news, a Chinese guy managed to piss off EVERYONE IN KENYA just because he was selling imported Chinese goods cheaper than Chinese stuff is usually sold in Kenya.
The reason being is that Kenya niggers were getting pissed that the Chinese can sell their own stuff cheaper and easier than niggers can sell Chinese stuff. Try wrapping your head around that one, it's not hard.
Greedy niggers want money, they don't understand the intricacies of an economy or how being a business partner works, then they chase out their business partners and literally get high on their own shit (Haha, Jenkem)


On an unrelated note, I pissed off a Kenya sow for pointing out jenkem is a thing (shoutout to Tar Remover for that silver bullet) and she all-caps me saying "WHITE DEVIL! AMERICA DO WITCH CRAFT! YOU FUCK DOGS!"
I'm still confused where niggers got the idea we fuck dogs. I think they see the horrible shit that goes on in their own backwater country, they KNOW it's bad and they just point the finger at us and say that we do it. Kind of like what they're doing in Rapefrica to the Chinese, now.

It's just their (by WWII interrupted) plan to establish world communism. Who knows if it is the Chinese Communist Party (I personally doubt they are the root of the problem, but surely a part/participant of it. You have to differentiate between "Leninist/Stalinist" and "Maoist" communism. In the past, neither one of them cared about a few million dead people, though.).
As Marx already said, "you need the right people for communism", and Kalergi laid out the plan to replace White Europeans by creating "brown people by migration" that can be "ruled by an upper class of noble people".

Niggers complaining about Witch craft, that's a good one! A few articles about niggers 'embracing their roots' and returning to witchcraft:
