View Full Version : Philly pack of teenapers beats the crap out of human woman , leaves her for dead on sidewalk

03-10-2023, 12:45 PM

https://6abc.com/center-city-attack-assault-near-hall-philadelphia-woman-assaulted-teens/12934677/ (https://6abc.com/center-city-attack-assault-near-hall-philadelphia-woman-assaulted-teens/12934677/)

Father of woman brutally beaten by juveniles on Center City sidewalk speaks out: 'This behavior is subhuman'


03-10-2023, 02:24 PM
Father of woman brutally beaten by juveniles on Center City sidewalk speaks out: 'This behavior is subhuman'


How long is this going to go on? Nigger attacks and violence are getting worse every day since they learned they can't be punished for what they do.

03-10-2023, 07:50 PM

How long is this going to go on? Nigger attacks and violence are getting worse every day since they learned they can't be punished for what they do.

They are weaponizing nigger violence and crime to make us all "compliant." Don't know why they think that's going to work out for them.

We already had one civil war over niggers, they think niggers robbing us, beating us and killing us won't lead to something similar ?

Human nature hasn't changed. If they want to see things really get F'd up, we will be much better at it when it becomes necessary, and there's still more of US !

03-10-2023, 09:20 PM
A 34-year-old woman was knocked down and beaten unconscious by a group of young people at 15th and Chestnut streets.

I'm sorry, what race er species I mean were they? Can they try and be a little more specific? No? Oh yeah forgot, when it's a nigger attacking humans they are referred as JUST people. If it were a human attacking a nigger then headlines will definitely let you know what race they were in big and bold fucking letters so you can see it. Yeah, so what if they're minors arrest them and trial them as adults. Teenapers and niglets who want to commit adult crimes deserve to get an adult punishment. Poor lady was minding her damn own business and out of nowhere these stupid hell spawn come attacking her. Why? Oh just because. Infuriating, this is just beyond infuriating. When the hell are people going to wake the hell up and start putting these out of control chimps behind bars? How many more people have to be mentally scared, injured, attacked, raped, murdered or robbed to have these idiots at the NU? I want the names of those "people" on blast, I mean they did that to Kyle when he was only 17 so why not post the names of these morons so everyone would know them and be aware of their shitty antics. These are the kinds of people who deserve to be put on display for public shaming, not someone defending themselves from these nasty beasts.

03-10-2023, 11:59 PM
They are weaponizing nigger violence and crime to make us all "compliant." Don't know why they think that's going to work out for them.

We already had one civil war over niggers, they think niggers robbing us, beating us and killing us won't lead to something similar ?

Human nature hasn't changed. If they want to see things really get F'd up, we will be much better at it when it becomes necessary, and there's still more of US !

Historically humans have taken only so much before they become non-compliant and rebel, even against more powerful oppressors. How can 13% of the population (way less if you discount the sprogs, crusty old sows and gimpy silverbacks) be the ruling class, especially when that minority is composed of a species that is vastly inferior mentally and intellectually?

The libtards and their cuck army insist on coddling their pets and shoving them down our throats, but niggers are known for biting the hand that feeds them, since planning and/or envisioning the future is beyond them. Everywhere I look I see evidence of humans being FED UP, but they can only say it anonymously and in code for fear of being tarred and feathered by the fake nigger lovers. We're living in a new Nazi state where opinions and even thoughts that disagree with the Agenda are verboten.

Where is this going?


03-11-2023, 12:39 PM
Historically humans have taken only so much before they become non-compliant and rebel, even against more powerful oppressors. How can 13% of the population (way less if you discount the sprogs, crusty old sows and gimpy silverbacks) be the ruling class, especially when that minority is composed of a species that is vastly inferior mentally and intellectually?

The libtards and their cuck army insist on coddling their pets and shoving them down our throats, but niggers are known for biting the hand that feeds them, since planning and/or envisioning the future is beyond them. Everywhere I look I see evidence of humans being FED UP, but they can only say it anonymously and in code for fear of being tarred and feathered by the fake nigger lovers. We're living in a new Nazi state where opinions and even thoughts that disagree with the Agenda are verboten.

Where is this going?


Because never before in history humans were so brainwashed by media, and seduced by film & social media. In a perfect world, everyone who deletes a nigger that attacks a human should be granted a "tax free year"!

03-11-2023, 01:36 PM
Because never before in history humans were so brainwashed by media, and seduced by film & social media. In a perfect world, everyone who deletes a nigger that attacks a human should be granted a "tax free year"!

And never before have humans been more fearful of name-calling than of parasitic savages invading their homes. The start of this insanity can be pin-pointed to the day someone came up with the term "Political correctness". That was the beginning of the end for civilization.

03-11-2023, 02:08 PM
same old advice. Stay away from the shit beast. Congregations of niggers can only lead to your demise. Blacks in Packs are the most dangerous threat to humans known.

Ray Cizzums
03-11-2023, 08:14 PM
Where is this going?


They do love to pose with weapons. Zeroing, maintaining and properly handling them, not so much.
Actually being able to hit what they're shooting at ? Let's not get crazy - that's too much to ask....

03-14-2023, 08:18 AM
Niggadelphia is setting new ape murder records and swirling down the drain

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-14-2023, 12:03 PM
Niggadelphia is setting new ape murder records and swirling down the drain
Awesome! I’ll drink to that! Let’s teach em to shoot that paw gun too so they’ll be more accurate when shooting at each other. With a little help, I think 2-3 times the niggers could be goodified. This would also result in higher prison sentences for the murder nigger. Win win!

03-14-2023, 12:30 PM
Awesome! I’ll drink to that! Let’s teach em to shoot that paw gun too so they’ll be more accurate when shooting at each other. With a little help, I think 2-3 times the niggers could be goodified. This would also result in higher prison sentences for the murder nigger. Win win!

More accuracy would be good. Still, in Chicago alone, 99 nogs have been goodified by lead in a mere 8 weeks, but that's out of 349 shot. They really need to do better.


BLM doesn't seem to have much effect on niggers killing other niggers.


I aint bin dun did dat!
03-14-2023, 02:01 PM
More accuracy would be good. Still, in Chicago alone, 99 nogs have been goodified by lead in a mere 8 weeks, but that's out of 349 shot. They really need to do better.


BLM doesn't seem to have much effect on niggers killing other niggers.


They need training for sure. Look at all the missed opportunities to save the taxpayers and future victims of nigger crime.
Every race of human on the planet hates niggers. I have hispanic and Asian friends that hate them just as bad as I do. It is something we can all stand behind and unite over.

03-14-2023, 05:49 PM
They need training for sure. Look at all the missed opportunities to save the taxpayers and future victims of nigger crime.
Every race of human on the planet hates niggers. I have hispanic and Asian friends that hate them just as bad as I do. It is something we can all stand behind and unite over.

Look at the number of shootings by "White". It has me wondering: If every niggerfied city magically made the groids vanish, what would the shooting statistics be? Someone here quoted an article that said that if the niggers disappeared the gun violence would be equal to that in Belgium.
Yet not a single libtard will admit there isn't a gun problem, but a nigger problem.

03-14-2023, 06:28 PM
Yet not a single libtard will admit there isn't a gun problem, but a nigger problem.

You 'd have to be intentionally insane to disregard this conclusion. What's a few thousands dead from nigger depravity, as long as we got the VOTES ?
Litards are deliberately mentally disordered, easy to achieve when you start off from a position of moral bankruptcy as well.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-14-2023, 08:02 PM
Look at the number of shootings by "White". It has me wondering: If every niggerfied city magically made the groids vanish, what would the shooting statistics be? Someone here quoted an article that said that if the niggers disappeared the gun violence would be equal to that in Belgium.
Yet not a single libtard will admit there isn't a gun problem, but a nigger problem.
I’ve told countless libtards we could ACTUALLY defund the police without niggers as we would only need about 25% of them. Wen there’s a white shooter, we have a white supremacy problem. When there’s a nigger shooter, we have a gun problem. Liberals are worse than niggers.

03-14-2023, 11:20 PM

How long is this going to go on? Nigger attacks and violence are getting worse every day since they learned they can't be punished for what they do.

ESPECIALLY in blue cities with soros funded d.a.s!!