View Full Version : Upity Nigger Turns Simple Traffic Stop Into Felony Arrest

Nigger Wrangler
03-08-2023, 05:05 PM
A bit of comic relief for the day.

Brookhaven (Atlanta) PD pulls over a nigger who was speeding. Immediately the nigger hops out on his Saturn Vue and has to be told multiple times to sit his black ass back down.

The stop goes downhill from there.

The nigger claims to be from Illinois and doesn't have a license with him. (Of course) Surprisingly he can produce proof of insurance. (It's not his car)

The nigger starts complaining about being pulled over so often (not being a stupid nigger would cure that) Anyhow the nigger gets mouthier and mouthier. Trying to provoke the officers into giving him a much needed Rodney King Special!

The nigger is arrested, put in the back of the police car, where he is babbling , nigger babbling, non-stop! He keeps calling everyone "niggers" and threatening to kill them all. Says he's "gonna find them" over and over. It's quite hilarious. The officer was incredibly professional, not taking the bait.

No name on the nigger, nor of his undoubtedly illustrious career as a master gangsta, but we do know the nigger was charged with speeding, disorderly conduct, and making terroristic threats.

All over a simple traffic stop!

Low IQ combined with zero impulse control is a hell of a thing!



03-08-2023, 10:57 PM
A bit of comic relief for the day.

Brookhaven (Atlanta) PD pulls over a nigger who was speeding. Immediately the nigger hops out on his Saturn Vue and has to be told multiple times to sit his black ass back down.

The stop goes downhill from there.

The nigger claims to be from Illinois and doesn't have a license with him. (Of course) Surprisingly he can produce proof of insurance. (It's not his car)

The nigger starts complaining about being pulled over so often (not being a stupid nigger would cure that) Anyhow the nigger gets mouthier and mouthier. Trying to provoke the officers into giving him a much needed Rodney King Special!

The nigger is arrested, put in the back of the police car, where he is babbling , nigger babbling, non-stop! He keeps calling everyone "niggers" and threatening to kill them all. Says he's "gonna find them" over and over. It's quite hilarious. The officer was incredibly professional, not taking the bait.

No name on the nigger, nor of his undoubtedly illustrious career as a master gangsta, but we do know the nigger was charged with speeding, disorderly conduct, and making terroristic threats.

All over a simple traffic stop!

Low IQ combined with zero impulse control is a hell of a thing!



TNB to da' tenf DEGREE!!

Tar Remover
03-24-2023, 07:47 AM
As only a nigger can do with this much entertainment! HAHA nigger!

03-24-2023, 12:18 PM
I accidentally went through a stop sign once and got pulled over. I sat in my car, gave the officer my license and registration, said "Yes, m'am" and "no, m'am". I didn't even have my new insurance card on me, but I was so polite and apologetic the officer decided not to ticket me for the expired insurance and I went on my way.

I didn't get tased, taken to the ground, handcuffed, attacked by a K9, or dragged off to jail. Of course, I'm not a stupid, brainless nigger, so didn't jump out of my car, scream obscenities at the cop or refuse to obey her orders.

Only a chimping nigger could turn a simple stop into a trip to NU.

Tar Remover
03-24-2023, 08:39 PM
I accidentally went through a stop sign once and got pulled over. I sat in my car, gave the officer my license and registration, said "Yes, m'am" and "no, m'am". I didn't even have my new insurance card on me, but I was so polite and apologetic the officer decided not to ticket me for the expired insurance and I went on my way.

I didn't get tased, taken to the ground, handcuffed, attacked by a K9, or dragged off to jail. Of course, I'm not a stupid, brainless nigger, so didn't jump out of my car, scream obscenities at the cop or refuse to obey her orders.

Only a chimping nigger could turn a simple stop into a trip to NU.

Which of course is a GOOD thing because:
1. The entertainment value is priceless.
2. I HATE goddamn niggers.
3. All wild apes should be in cages anyway.

03-28-2023, 12:09 PM
In EVERY coonfrontation between a nigger and the po-po, it's ALWAYS the nigger who escalates things. This one could almost be coonsidered magic because it didn't pull out a gun or a knife and get itself ventilated.