View Full Version : Stampede at A GORilla concert. Only one set of batwings, but hopes for 2 more.

03-06-2023, 01:13 PM
Sadly the nogs didn't repeat their success at another cRapping concert and achieve multiple goodnesses.

Apparently false fears of a shooting at a cRap concert in Rochester, New York, sent a crowd of niggers surging toward the exits in a stampede that killed one sheboon and injured nine others, two of them critically, police said.

The casualties at Sunday night's concert featuring GloRilla and Finesse2tymes were caused by sub-simians being trampled, Police Chief David M. Smith said at a news briefing Monday. “We do not have any evidence of gunshots being fired or of anyone being shot or stabbed at the scene,” Smith said.

Mayor Malik Evans called the fatal stampede “a tragedy of epic proportions” and promised a through investigation. “We are going to hold people accountable for what happened last night, period,” Evans said.

When I saw the bolded - one dead nigger and two more on the brink of goodness - I figured the mayor is a nigger, and he is - a retarded looking nigger.



03-06-2023, 02:46 PM
I remember a funny thing my late father said about nigger heads: that it seems a lot of it is in the back part of the skull, and that's why, being malformed, is what makes them so dumb. He's not as vehement a racist as me, so I laughed so hard it hurt.

Whitey Ford
03-06-2023, 04:36 PM
I remember a funny thing my late father said about nigger heads: that it seems a lot of it is in the back part of the skull, and that's why, being malformed, is what makes them so dumb. He's not as vehement a racist as me, so I laughed so hard it hurt.

That's why sows get sooooo mad when someone snatches the wig off of their heads. :lol


Ray Cizzums
03-06-2023, 05:24 PM
That's why sows get sooooo mad when someone snatches the wig off of their heads. :lol

Ho lee fuk - a 250 pound buffarilla, crowd surfing ? Was anyone crushed ? How do sheboons make it
through hunting season, with a dead animal on their head ? Rochester was a great small city, back in
the Eastman Kodak days. Today, it's one of the worst nigger shitholes in NY state....

03-06-2023, 07:39 PM
That's why sows get sooooo mad when someone snatches the wig off of their heads. :lol

Sistas need a better "Loctitian" to clamp they wigs to they empty heads.

Just listen to those jungle beats getting the niggers all riled up. Reminds me of this:


03-07-2023, 08:54 AM
Ho lee fuk - a 250 pound buffarilla, crowd surfing ? Was anyone crushed ? How do sheboons make it
through hunting season, with a dead animal on their head ? Rochester was a great small city, back in
the Eastman Kodak days. Today, it's one of the worst nigger shitholes in NY state....

Look at the political map of NY. Totally red outside of the blue hell holes that are choc-a-bloc of niggers and dependency and over paid specialists telling the niggers " you can make a difference....you can be powerful....you are the future....stand up and make the change....etc "

Pissing into wind. Niggers are genetically useless. It's not even their fault, they were shit out that way. Inspiring falsehoods into these simple beasts is the true tragedy.

03-08-2023, 09:00 AM
Sadly the nogs didn't repeat their success at another cRapping concert and achieve multiple goodnesses.

When I saw the bolded - one dead nigger and two more on the brink of goodness - I figured the mayor is a nigger, and he is - a retarded looking nigger.



New yawk SUCKS!!