View Full Version : Do we have any Jewish chimpers? How do they feel about radical Islamists planning to kill them where they live?

03-06-2023, 07:41 AM

I can't imagine Jews would be too happy about living in a country that allows Muhammads across the border with ACTIVE plans to murder them.
Shit, imagine how the Jews in Germany must feel. Can't imagine they were too eager to go outside during the 2015-2016 New Years.
Do the Jews have any plans on fighting against this? At the very least to protect themselves/ their communities?
Sure would be great if we could unite under a common goal of protecting our countries, reestablishing safety where there wasn't this much conflict before, but what do I know?

03-09-2023, 05:48 AM

I can't imagine Jews would be too happy about living in a country that allows Muhammads across the border with ACTIVE plans to murder them.
Shit, imagine how the Jews in Germany must feel. Can't imagine they were too eager to go outside during the 2015-2016 New Years.
That's a very dangerous topic! In Germany, the "Central Council of Jews" is, and has always been, one of the fiercest supporter of ass-lifter migration to Europe/Germany. Just recently, they "welcomed" the UN resolution against "islamophobia". Some examples:
Google translated:

To answer your question you have to do your own research on Marxism/Leninism (->Frankfurter Schule), most of these scholars were Jewish, and most of these people emigrated to the US during WWII. The only question is, are they controlled by the US and it is an effort to destroy European societies, or is it ideology? Or is the US as well as all the other western countries run by Marxists? As I said, dangerous topic, you'll have to do your own research and you'll find some disturbing answers.

Do the Jews have any plans on fighting against this? At the very least to protect themselves/ their communities?
Sure would be great if we could unite under a common goal of protecting our countries, reestablishing safety where there wasn't this much conflict before, but what do I know?
As far as I know, many ordinary people left Germany, UK, and France and moved to Israel in recent years. Luckily, they at least they do have that option:

But of course that has nothing to do with ass-lifters :D:

Jonathan Boyd, the IJPR’s executive director, said: “There is no evidence of an exodus of Jews from Europe, even though the numbers of Jews emigrating to Israel from some countries in recent years – most notably France – are unprecedented.”

03-09-2023, 06:08 AM
That's a very dangerous topic! In Germany, the "Central Council of Jews" is, and has always been, one of the fiercest supporter of ass-lifter migration to Europe/Germany. Just recently, they "welcomed" the UN resolution against "islamophobia". Some examples:
Google translated:

To answer your question you have to do your own research on Marxism/Leninism (->Frankfurter Schule), most of these scholars were Jewish, and most of these people emigrated to the US during WWII. The only question is, are they controlled by the US and it is an effort to destroy European societies, or is it ideology? Or is the US as well as all the other western countries run by Marxists? As I said, dangerous topic, you'll have to do your own research and you'll find some disturbing answers.

As far as I know, many ordinary people left Germany, UK, and France and moved to Israel in recent years. Luckily, they at least they do have that option:

But of course that has nothing to do with ass-lifters :D:
Hot damn! Thank you, man!
This is a huge step in solving the problem!

03-09-2023, 06:20 AM
I know about Jews and the UN resolution, and their actions of aiding illegal raft immigrants to Europe. I don't know why they'd do that, that is, help their mortal enemies flee to Europe. My theory is, they were persecuted, so they want to show the world they don't want persecution of anyone. (Seems more of Christian
practice to "love your neighbors".

06-17-2024, 03:52 AM
My theory on that always was that those of them behind this are doing so, in an attempt to foolishly influence the timing of when their Massaiah is to arrive, through indirectly forcing the return of the entire world's Jewry before its time

06-19-2024, 05:15 PM
I know about Jews and the UN resolution, and their actions of aiding illegal raft immigrants to Europe. I don't know why they'd do that, that is, help their mortal enemies flee to Europe. My theory is, they were persecuted, so they want to show the world they don't want persecution of anyone. (Seems more of Christian
practice to "love your neighbors".

I can't wrap my head around that either! Either what you said, or stupidity like the rest of the West (Mudslimes gooood), or still Socialism.

06-20-2024, 04:01 AM
I'm wondering why they don't police each other, through protest or calling out these NGOs


06-21-2024, 01:17 AM
There really is such a school of thought. This time around, this article's commentary option hasn't been activated:

Influential religious group pushing for 'Messiah', Jerusalem Temple, New World Order - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/influential-religious-group-pushing-for-messiah-jerusalem-temple-new-world-order/)

...Schneerson: What has not yet changed, however, is that Moshiach [the Messiah] still hasn’t come; so do something to hasten his coming.

Netanyahu: We’re doing, we’re doing…

Schneerson: Apparently it’s not enough, since many hours have already passed today and he’s still not here…

...Schneerson and his movement have been honored and promoted by all the U.S. Presidents since 1978when President Jimmy Carter first established a “Day of Education” in Schneerson’s honor...

06-25-2024, 01:03 PM
I notice all the "Jews" (I use quotes in order to distinguish Communist atheists of Jewish ethnicity from genuine Jews who believe in God, etc) in that image carry English signs, so they're American and/or British. The pic in the center - that's Israel, where they know the consequences of sandnigger enrichment firsthand, just as Trump knew what the consequences of crimmigrant enrichment would be.

Let me hasten to say that I sympathize with any conservative (by which I mean sane) Jew in these times, and can also understand why they wouldn't want to move to Israel. Especially after October 7, but really any time in the last half-century, since sandniggers have made it their mission to kill them along with a highly effective propaganda campaign to turn world opinion against them by inciting the latent Jew-hatred every socialist carries. Dangerous times to be a Jew. And news flash to the protesters: wearing a terrorist headscarf and virtue-signaling your love of Islam WILL NOT SAVE YOU.

God save Israel and all sane Jews, and God damn all sandniggers and their Communist enablers.

06-26-2024, 03:47 AM
That's why conservative Jews would do well in counter demonstrating against those holding up pro-immigration signs. If they do absolutely nothing, it would give the impression of silent agreement. I once posted this on a Jewish forum and eventually got silently banned (locked out) by one of their several moderators of which had to be one of their pro-Two State liberal ones

06-26-2024, 08:50 AM
That's why conservative Jews would do well in counter demonstrating against those holding up pro-immigration signs. If they do absolutely nothing, it would give the impression of silent agreement. I once posted this on a Jewish forum and eventually got silently banned (locked out) by one of their several moderators of which had to be one of their pro-Two State liberal ones

That's happened in Canada a number of times, but the protesters get attacked by asslifters. Helmets and body armor would be a good idea.

06-26-2024, 01:22 PM
I can't wrap my head around that either! Either what you said, or stupidity like the rest of the West (Mudslimes gooood), or still Socialism.

And Spain recognizes "palestine." I won't repeat the story about the Roman Emperor Hadrian for the MILLIONTH time however I CAN'T believe that Spain doesn't remember La Reconquista!! 800 YEARS of @$$lifter$ in southern Spain!! As the Spanish born philosopher and poet George Santayana said "those who can't remember the past are CONDEMNED to repeat it!! Unbelievable!!

06-26-2024, 04:19 PM
I would have thought that Spain would be among the last western European countries to bend over forewards to the Woak, especially given her traditionally tough stance on secession

06-28-2024, 03:35 AM
Not my words. Taken from the horse's mouth:


...“By offering refugee-focused career services and providing wrap-around individual and family supports to assist with the transition to a new country and address any barriers to employment, we can better guide refugees on their path towards achieving financial and personal stability,”...

06-28-2024, 09:00 AM
Psychopathic America-hating Communist whore.

07-09-2024, 06:56 PM
I notice all the "Jews" (I use quotes in order to distinguish Communist atheists of Jewish ethnicity from genuine Jews who believe in God, etc) in that image carry English signs, so they're American and/or British. The pic in the center - that's Israel, where they know the consequences of sandnigger enrichment firsthand, just as Trump knew what the consequences of crimmigrant enrichment would be.

Let me hasten to say that I sympathize with any conservative (by which I mean sane) Jew in these times, and can also understand why they wouldn't want to move to Israel. Especially after October 7, but really any time in the last half-century, since sandniggers have made it their mission to kill them along with a highly effective propaganda campaign to turn world opinion against them by inciting the latent Jew-hatred every socialist carries. Dangerous times to be a Jew. And news flash to the protesters: wearing a terrorist headscarf and virtue-signaling your love of Islam WILL NOT SAVE YOU.
That's the point I'll never understand: Even the most retarded Antifa idiot should be able to understand that, as mohammedans clearly say so. As does quran. And yet...

God save Israel and all sane Jews, and God damn all sandniggers and their Communist enablers.

07-09-2024, 07:01 PM
And Spain recognizes "palestine." I won't repeat the story about the Roman Emperor Hadrian for the MILLIONTH time however I CAN'T believe that Spain doesn't remember La Reconquista!! 800 YEARS of @$$lifter$ in southern Spain!! As the Spanish born philosopher and poet George Santayana said "those who can't remember the past are CONDEMNED to repeat it!! Unbelievable!!

That's absolutely enraging! I always assumed that the Spaniards (and the Eastern European countries, of course) are the last sane bastion in Europe, seems I was wrong. Which is a shame, considering we already lost beautiful Italy and France.

07-10-2024, 02:40 AM
I'm assuming that Spain's leadership is selling Spaniards out. Resistant undercurrents evidently do exist, on a cold war level. I have personally witnessed open racist commentary over 20 years ago in the Basque province of northern Spain, as Gypsies were lurking in a crowded area vulnerable to pick-pocketting


...I always assumed that the Spaniards (and the Eastern European countries, of course) are the last sane bastion in Europe...Unlike Spain, Eastern Europeans suffered a Leftist yoke. Deep-rooted Spanish fears of that once "Fascist" dictatorship of which ended within memorable history seems to still exist, making a Reconquista more complicated than it otherwise would be:


...Franco, nearing the end of his life, predicted what would happen after his death: ‘Spain will go a long way down the road that [the West] wants: democracy, pornography, drugs and so on...

07-10-2024, 07:11 AM
That's absolutely enraging! I always assumed that the Spaniards (and the Eastern European countries, of course) are the last sane bastion in Europe, seems I was wrong. Which is a shame, considering we already lost beautiful Italy and France.

With the youth voting for Conservatives in Europe we can only HOPE that that reverses the trend!!

07-15-2024, 04:21 PM
If I were the Israeli government, I'd makes moves to revoke the following's Israeli passport, if "he" was smart enough to apply for it. Even if they don't, fellow Jews should get busy surrounding California's senate, protesting for it's impeachment:

California Democrats water down bill against child prostitution after pressure from LGBT activists - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/california-democrats-water-down-bill-against-child-prostitution-after-pressure-from-lgbt-activists/?utm_source=daily-usa-2024-07-13&utm_medium=email)

...“Democrats are in a tizzy about the bill because it puts them in a bind. They don’t want to outright ADMIT that they are fine with pedos purchasing sex from kids is OK, but they don’t want to punish the actual sex offenders. So they have been on a mission to water down the bill.”...
...“Democrats are in a tizzy about the bill because it puts them in a bind. They don’t want to outright ADMIT that they are fine with pedos purchasing sex from kids is OK, but they don’t want to punish the actual sex offenders. So they have been on a mission to water down the bill.”...

Here, this entity is the 4th one right:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi0.wp.com%2Fwww.metroweekly.com%2 Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F09%2FState-Senator-Scott-Wiener-Goes-to-Folsom-Street-Fair-GOP-Loses-It-Scott-Wiener-second-from-Right-twitter-%40Scott_Wiener.jpg%3Fresize%3D800%252C600%26ssl%3 D1&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=59c84d99fa5e0ab3f1f3110ec652d8590f944a0fbf9967 16fc97f00670a921b7&ipo=images

07-19-2024, 10:27 AM
Yes I am Jewish but I despise leftist Jewish shitbags who pander to nigger and muzzy lowlifes!
But let me address the Judeo Bolshevism Nazi smear often used to brand us Jews as some sort of demons.
Yes the Jews were active in the original Bolshevik October 1917 Coup D'etat, which BTW was financed and encouraged by the Aryan gods who were running Germany in WW 1.
The trouble is after the Tsar fell, the parties on the right in Russia hated Jews with a passion. So it was sensible for a politically minded Jew to support the Left which also included the Mensheviks and SRs. When the Right and the awful Ukie nationalists want to kill the Jews off, can you blame the Russian Jews for going left? And add to that the way the Jews were singled-out and oppressed by the Tsars, only an idiot would expect the Jews to support those incompetent tyrants. But the vast majority of Communists everywhere and at all tiemes WERE NOT JEWS. Since Communism is atheistic so this Talmudic tie in is plain shyte. Marx's parents were Christian converts and he was always an atheist. His sidekick Engels or Angels, was a pure Prussian German BTW. So the Zionist Talmudic nonsense concerning Marx is 100% crap. Of course some will take this as I am endorsing Marxism. No I am not, it is 100% pseudo science and tyranny enabling.
Also since many nigger haters also hate Jews, can you blame the liberal Jews for their knee-jerk support of all things nigger or Muzzy? I hate niggers, Muzzies and rank anti-Semites too. If you just don't care for Jews, that is okay. But when you spout nonsense that we are responsible for all the evil in the world, you're garbage.

07-19-2024, 10:30 AM
Let's not forget how EVERY MAINSTREAM CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION starting with the Vatican supports these Islamic invaders.

07-19-2024, 11:39 AM
Groid_Rage, you are my brother. Everything you said, 100%. I don't know what else to say, except everyone still on the fence about these matters should watch this video. IMO Murray is at present the most eloquent person on the planet on this and many issues facing civilization. You can skip the Q&A if you wish, I didn't bother myself because I didn't want to risk listening to trained parrots spout their bullshit. Heard it all before, they just recite it verbatim from pamphlets given out by sandniggers at their universities.



07-20-2024, 03:19 AM
...EVERY MAINSTREAM CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION starting with the Vatican supports these Islamic invaders.There is a separatist movement within the Catholic church who oppose the current Pope for Woaking down the church, Vatican II, Fiducia Supplicanism and the Pope's crusade against Latin-language mass. Resisting caliphasation is included in the package