View Full Version : Stolen car crashes into vacant building, deletes silverback

03-05-2023, 03:10 PM
The article doesn't mention that the perp was a nigger, but there are no non niggers in that area. Also, the lack of identification of the criminal suggests it is a teenaper.


03-05-2023, 04:42 PM
Nice to know it got a GOOD start on life.. or death you might say... :thumb

03-05-2023, 07:30 PM
That video is peak Democratic liberalism. Niggers involved in car cash, hitting another vehicle, killing a member of their racial group who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the building comes crashing down, a sign of neglect of democratic/nigger run cities.

Prior to 1950, Baltimore was around 80% white, 20% nigger; now Baltimore is around 30% white, 64% nigger. And it shows, as niggers vote for other niggers, and the this is the result over decades.

This is at best just naïve optimism of Democrats who think that allowing savage jungle animals to have a stake in society will lead to its improvement, but in reality it has made things much worse. Or, by allowing niggers to run riot gives Democrats the excuse to control and therefore limit the freedom the mostly peaceful whites, the greatest threat to Democrats.

03-06-2023, 12:00 PM
Baltimore was once known as "Charm City."


What was that ingredient? I think it starts with N.

And ends with "iggers."

03-06-2023, 02:36 PM
Baltimore was once known as "Charm City."


What was that ingredient? I think it starts with N.

And ends with "iggers."

I thought the answer was Neighbors? Oh, you mean NIGGER neighbors! Gotcha!

If facts are ignored, what's our hope? Gave them the right to vote, to be citizens, yet they never stop asking for reparayshuns and equality? Aren't major cities led by niggers?

The real problem is the liberals and the legal system has the upper hand, right now. Can't say anything to offend a nigger, much less tell them to pack up and get deported.

03-06-2023, 06:25 PM
Baltimore was once known as "Charm City."


What was that ingredient? I think it starts with N.

And ends with "iggers."

Detroit was the city which at one point had the highest standard of living in the world. In 1961, the Democrats took over and allowed the niggers to do they thang, and it turned into a disaster. From 1974-2014, the mayor of Detroit was a nigger. Of course, and not coincidentally, Detroit became one of the worst cities in the US as due to 'white flight', or common sense as humans call it.

The incredibly nigggery Kwame Malik Kilpatrick, possibly the most corrupt mayor in the US, was when Detroit hit peak niggerism and therefore the bottom of the barrel.

If anyone still has the video of 'Boogie at Manoogian', please post it somewhere.

03-06-2023, 10:32 PM
Kwame Malik Kilpatrick, possibly the most corrupt mayor in the US, was when Detroit hit peak niggerism and therefore the bottom of the barrel.

If anyone still has the video of 'Boogie at Manoogian', please post it somewhere.

Suprised this is allowed to exist at all on youtube... Whitie McWhiteivich :lol



03-07-2023, 08:09 AM
The article doesn't mention that the perp was a nigger, but there are no non niggers in that area. Also, the lack of identification of the criminal suggests it is a teenaper.



03-07-2023, 09:56 AM
Suprised this is allowed to exist at all on youtube... Whitie McWhiteivich :lol



Thanks! I've been searching for this ages! Its brings back good memories of the Golden Age of YouTube (if there was one). A tribute to the most niggery mayor in the US. With a name like Kwame Malik, jail time was a guarantee.