View Full Version : Cultural appropriation: Nigger Equestrians Want to Be Safe. But They Can’t Find Helmets.

03-05-2023, 06:12 AM
Cultural appropriation: The New York Times whines that niggers emulating human behavior (riding a horse), can't find helmets that fit over the nappy nigger hair. Of course, that's Whiteys fault. NYT neither asks why niggers don't develop their own helmets if that is such a big "business opportunity", nor do they lament the poor horses (and we all know niggers will muhdick them).

03-05-2023, 06:08 PM
A gorilla riding a horse in an abomination. It's so unnatural to see a nigger be on a horse. The only thing I can justify that situation is the horse moved and the nigger dangled like a wind chime.

03-05-2023, 06:19 PM

03-05-2023, 07:33 PM
A gorilla riding a horse in an abomination. It's so unnatural to see a nigger be on a horse. The only thing I can justify that situation is the horse moved and the nigger dangled like a wind chime.

In early modern England they would strap a chimpanzee to a horse and have it attacked by dogs. This is animal cruelty of course, the chimp should be replaced by a convicted criminigger.

DR Spook
03-05-2023, 10:39 PM
Niggers should always wear a helmet. It would protect the ground when they fall off or protect the horses foot if it kicks the nigger.

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2023, 11:31 PM
Nigger females have devolved to the point of being nearly hairless. What few pubes they have are twisted into
such ridiculous hurra doos during childhood, that they have none left in their teens. They over-compensate
by wearing enormous hair-hats, that look like road kill. Sheboons have no need for a helmet, because :

A - Their 2 inch thick skulls ARE a helmet. It's almost impossible for them to injure their walnut-sized brain.
B - The 5 pounds of weave they gorilla glue on their melon also constitute adequate head protection.
C - There are two ratchets that ride, at most. Helmet manufacturers can't be bothered with their needs.
One horse accessory suitable for the negress is the oat bag. Beyonce' uses one whenever she's in her stall.


03-07-2023, 11:23 AM
Niggerwhine about feeling "unwelcome" when invading white spaces got old the first time it happened. There's a reason you feel unwelcome, nigger: You ARE unwelcome. Your black presence is neither required nor wanted in the spaces we worked to build for ourselves. Every time niggers invade a white space, they bring nothing but violence, chimpouts, vandalism, theft, and the hyper-partisan politicization of an activity/hobby that was formerly refreshingly apolitical. It used to be all about the hobby, people having a good time and bonding over what they had in common. When niggers invade, it has to be all about them. They have to feel like the center of the universe at all times. The hobby gets degraded and normal people can no longer relax and have fun because they have to listen to some chimp whine about "feeling excluded" (even though no white hobby has ever had a gate with NO NIGGERS ALLOWED written on it, although I wish they did). Niggers have a huge victim/persecution complex and always think whitey is out to "get them" when we just want to get AWAY from them.

Ray Cizzums
03-07-2023, 12:06 PM
Niggerwhine about feeling "unwelcome" when invading white spaces got old the first time it happened. There's a reason you feel unwelcome, nigger: You ARE unwelcome. Your black presence is neither required nor wanted in the spaces we worked to build for ourselves. Every time niggers invade a white space, they bring nothing but violence, chimpouts, vandalism, theft, and the hyper-partisan politicization of an activity/hobby that was formerly refreshingly apolitical. It used to be all about the hobby, people having a good time and bonding over what they had in common. When niggers invade, it has to be all about them. They have to feel like the center of the universe at all times. The hobby gets degraded and normal people can no longer relax and have fun because they have to listen to some chimp whine about "feeling excluded" (even though no white hobby has ever had a gate with NO NIGGERS ALLOWED written on it, although I wish they did). Niggers have a huge victim/persecution complex and always think whitey is out to "get them" when we just want to get AWAY from them.
Anastasia, if you feel like you need to vomit, check out the spiels by the woke staff of outdoor outfitter R.E.I.. They lay on the "I felt unwelcome" and "No people who look like muh" nonsense so thick, you'll think it has to be satire. First of all, in my backpacking days - you'd sign in at the trailhead, and then there were no people who looked like anybody. The back country is remarkably deserted. The REI minorities supposedly whined "People on the trail were suspicious of POC". That's made up horseshit, but when you do encounter anyone miles from civilization, you keep them at arm's length - them being complete strangers. A "Hi, how ya doing" is generally about it. The comments on some of the wokies dumb-shit articles on their website are pretty funny. Never mentioned is that said POCs trash every park, beach or other outdoor space with tons of litter.
Look at the aftermath of the "Million Man March", the Obongo inauguration, or any other event attended by sub-human orcs....