View Full Version : Nigger jailers beat nigger inmate to goodness, nigger lottery claim incoming with Crump

Whitey Ford
03-03-2023, 09:27 PM
Mob of officers filmed beating Black Memphis inmate to death

Yesterday (March 2), surveillance video was released of correctional officers beating an inmate at Shelby County Jail in Memphis, Tennessee. The Black man on the receiving end, Gershun Freeman, died shortly after the altercation. Now, his family is calling for justice.


Freeman was arrested on Oct. 1, 2022 after his girlfriend accused him of domestic violence. He was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping. According to local news station Fox 13 Memphis, the footage was recorded on Oct. 5, 2022. In the clip, two guards attempt to bring Freeman a plate of food, but when they open his cell, he charges at them, full-force and completely naked. A struggle ensues, and within seconds, more correctional officers join in the fight, leaving the inmate severely outnumbered.


Defund Welfare
03-03-2023, 09:30 PM
Justice = Gibs
Does Memphis even have any money left?

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-03-2023, 11:31 PM
Mob of officers filmed beating Black Memphis inmate to death



:lol This was absolutely hilarious. Why the hell would they just open these cells up with rabid niggers in them? Hahaha, it was a naked nigger bat out of hell ambush! Little did the nude nigga know, he was about to get that smack down from the chimpy guards! Bahahahaha! Now, the 8 white tax payers left in Memphis have to fork over the tree fiddy they have left to gib to the nigger fambly for their shitbag dead nigger inmate. You can’t make this shit up! :rofl

03-04-2023, 12:02 AM
It looked like trying to catch a greased pigape.

There was a time when the staff would have been commended for getting the out of control feral beast "neutralized" for the good of the corrections department,
and consequently the good of society as well.

Thanks to libtard dementia those times are NO MORE !

03-04-2023, 11:27 PM
Gershun "Freeman" LOL. What is it with all these niggers being named Freeman? Just change their names to Slavenigger and get it over with.

Anyway, Gershun Slavenigger was a bad nigger when he chimped out on the guards, but now he's a good nigger.

Also note this bit from woketurd MSN: "leaving the inmate severely outnumbered." I guess the guards were supposed to take the nigger on one at a time like this was a Mortal Kombat movie.

03-05-2023, 12:42 PM
Sheeeeeeet! Ben Crump probably spit out a chicken bone when he was this. "I finna get paid, gnomesayin!"

03-05-2023, 01:50 PM
Gershun "Freeman" LOL. What is it with all these niggers being named Freeman? Just change their names to Slavenigger and get it over with.

Anyway, Gershun Slavenigger was a bad nigger when he chimped out on the guards, but now he's a good nigger.

Also note this bit from woketurd MSN: "leaving the inmate severely outnumbered." I guess the guards were supposed to take the nigger on one at a time like this was a Mortal Kombat movie.


No kidding! NU guards should go one-on-one with a naked, wild, murderous groid high on crack while using the Marquess of Kingsbury rules too?

"Domestic violence". I bet the nigga beat the weave right of its sow's head.

03-07-2023, 01:07 PM