View Full Version : Nig shits in phone box! Revolting.

Nig Hater
03-02-2023, 04:38 AM

03-04-2023, 07:10 AM
Just niggers doing what niggers do.

Ray Cizzums
03-04-2023, 01:13 PM
Back when cell phones weren't common, in the '80s, there were still public phones on NYC streets. Booths were mostly
gone by then, because of niggers like the one in this video. They are the only tribe that can't resist using elevators, stairwells,
hallways, rail cars, vestibules and lobbies as a toilet. A truly disgusting race of archaic hominids.
One day, I was doing electric work in Queens, and needed to make a call. Every pay phone, on every block, had a nigger
or spigger continuously hogging the phone - no doubt due to some illegal goings on. After about 30 minutes of this, I told
some spigger bitch to get off the phone for a minute. She just turned her back, and kept chirping. I reached in my tool bag,
walked right over, and clipped the armored handset cable with my bypass cutters. Her co-conspirators magically appeared,
saying "Why you do that"? I told them to GFYM, this is a public pay phone, not your fucking office. Anytime I needed to make
a call in that area after that, I just had the cutters in my hand, and the coon-munity knew what that meant, and hung up for
5 minutes.

03-06-2023, 08:16 AM
perfect cage for that sow. Would make a great freak show attraction.

03-06-2023, 04:27 PM
I reached in my tool bag,
walked right over, and clipped the armored handset cable with my bypass cutters.


Ray Cizzums
03-06-2023, 05:15 PM
I blew up whatever activity they had going on, with that move, and the phone was still out of commission when
I passed by it a week later. My cop friend told me different crews would fight over pay phones in key areas, but
what I did cost all of them a lot of money. :)

Tar Remover
03-25-2023, 05:15 AM
TNB brother, TNB......

Tar Remover
03-25-2023, 05:17 AM
Back when cell phones weren't common, in the '80s, there were still public phones on NYC streets. Booths were mostly
gone by then, because of niggers like the one in this video. They are the only tribe that can't resist using elevators, stairwells,
hallways, rail cars, vestibules and lobbies as a toilet. A truly disgusting race of archaic hominids.
One day, I was doing electric work in Queens, and needed to make a call. Every pay phone, on every block, had a nigger
or spigger continuously hogging the phone - no doubt due to some illegal goings on. After about 30 minutes of this, I told
some spigger bitch to get off the phone for a minute. She just turned her back, and kept chirping. I reached in my tool bag,
walked right over, and clipped the armored handset cable with my bypass cutters. Her co-conspirators magically appeared,
saying "Why you do that"? I told them to GFYM, this is a public pay phone, not your fucking office. Anytime I needed to make
a call in that area after that, I just had the cutters in my hand, and the coon-munity knew what that meant, and hung up for
5 minutes.

Bull Whip
03-28-2023, 05:36 AM
Yep.....this IS very common.....niggers Are stinking violent Animals....

Few years ago read the story bout this nigger sheboon Ape school bus driver was busted shitting in a plastic grocery bag then throwing it out on someone s front yard...the nigger had been doing that awhile