View Full Version : Five Bronx Buffarillas Deliver Beatdown On Defenseless Cashier

Ray Cizzums
02-28-2023, 01:48 PM
These filthy animals need batwings ASAP. Not one man steps up and dishes out some justice.
This is a clear cut green light to lay out all five of these porkers, with any implement that comes
to hand. They are not female, just because they don't have male organs, and they're definitely not
human. They are archaic hominids, and need to be dealt with, same as any other wild animal on a
rampage. I worked in stores as a teenager - if you laid a hand on one of our cashiers, you'd be getting
carted out of the gutter by an ambulance crew soon after....

knot a Knigger
02-28-2023, 10:10 PM
The utter revulsion I feel when I see a nigger in print, film or especially in person is unreal. Trust the “science” they are sub human

02-28-2023, 10:34 PM
Don't see how society is going to continue if these serengeti beasts are allowed to continue in our midst.

The only thing left for humans, be armed or be a victim of vicious animals.

some of the comments are golden tho...


03-01-2023, 06:40 PM
Glad to see that people aren't afraid to be niggerwise in the comments.

03-01-2023, 07:10 PM
These filthy animals need batwings ASAP. Not one man steps up and dishes out some justice.
This is a clear cut green light to lay out all five of these porkers, with any implement that comes
to hand. They are not female, just because they don't have male organs, and they're definitely not
human. They are archaic hominids, and need to be dealt with, same as any other wild animal on a
rampage. I worked in stores as a teenager - if you laid a hand on one of our cashiers, you'd be getting
carted out of the gutter by an ambulance crew soon after....

I would have found that despicable once, but as someone in the comments noted:

Here is the deal based on current events. If I ,as a witness and a big strong guy , jumped in , the city would pursue charges against me.
...especially if he's YT.

Niggers are doing this every day and everywhere because they know they can do it and get away with it. In spite of what we're being told - to see them as "Just like us" (actually we should see them as superior to us) and to worship them - this is what niggers really are. This is how the mammy sow raised the groidle of nigger sluts she shat out.

Defund Welfare
03-01-2023, 11:05 PM
Niggers have astronomically high assault rates, the sheboons are just as vicious as the bucks if not more. The worst part is how often sheboons do this BS and then we hear about the charges dropped because some scumbag doesn’t wanna get accused of racism. No point even talking statistics, they doctor them to make niggers look better on paper when we know they fill the void of unsolved crimes.
Niggers can do whatever they want and they know it.

03-01-2023, 11:22 PM
Niggers can do whatever they want and they know it.

Yup. They know it and they're acting on it. They are beating the snot out of teen age human girls in school , driving them to suicide. Attacking teachers with no fear or expectation of retribution,
and literally killing white people expecting little to no accountability. That Waukesha snakehead nigger seemed genuinely shocked the judge didn't coddle its BS "self representation" .
Unfortunately too often their gamble of getting away with murder actually pays off.

I've seen workplaces literally hire convicted coon felons into positions that can affect life or death.
They think that nog they're coddling is gonna be the magic nigger that doesn't bring it's TNB into the situation ?
It gets proven wrong over and over, yet they still make excuses and enable their pets to create disaster and degradation for humans.

Tar Remover
03-02-2023, 04:28 AM
Awesome! Keep voting for Democrats! Maybe one day they will wise up and realize these beasts need to be in cages and vote accordingly.

Ray Cizzums
03-02-2023, 11:17 AM
...especially if he's YT.

In light of the present climate of nigger atrocities, my policy is to intervene with extreme violence,
and let the chimps fall where they may. Store employees instantly lose their jobs, for standing up
to thieving, violent niggers - but I don't work at the store. I'd just mask up, like a nigger criminal,
dish out punishment, and vamoose. I've got plenty of money for a lawyer, if need be....

03-02-2023, 12:47 PM
my policy is to intervene with extreme violence,
and let the chimps fall where they may.

And don't forget to belt out a few bars of singin' in the rain as you casually exit with your purchases !!


Ray Cizzums
03-02-2023, 02:16 PM

And don't forget to belt out a few bars of singin' in the rain as you casually exit with your purchases !!
I have been known to do so....