View Full Version : Nigger invents the self-powered TV.

02-28-2023, 04:50 AM

Yep. The nigger just ripped out the insides and installed a battery compartment. So now, the TV's in Africa will work until the juice dies. What a "jee-nie-ous!" as the niggers say.
But hey, he figured out how to do electrical work at an amateur level. Monkey see, monkey do.

02-28-2023, 07:14 AM
"Heez inventioanz go agains de lawz of feezeeks."

A nigger breaking laws. Who'd have thunk it?

So I wonder how many AA batteries it takes to run that 100 watt flat screen for 5 minutes. I could do the math but I won't waste my time for a nigger.

02-28-2023, 08:13 AM
Running a TV off a battery is already possible , buy a battery back up device and plug your TV in, easy,
no need to rip your TV apart like a stupid nigger,
desperate to invent something, anything, to get some stupid-ass libtard to donate money, and maybe get a few looks-ah-me's..

such a wise race of scientists and inventors :africa

02-28-2023, 06:57 PM
Maxwell Chikumbutso is an international treasure!