View Full Version : The digi-nigger returns because I pointed out that kwanzaa and islam are the same thing.

02-27-2023, 01:17 AM
Here's an update on a flame war I had on Facebook over a clip from a dumb prison movie from 40 years ago. Niggers are crazy.
I'll copy and paste our conversation here for your reading pleasure:

My OG post: Wtf is going on? https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6f/2/16/1f602.png and how come the black guys get full stitched Kwanzaa costumes in prison?First nigger: it's Muslim idiot
Me: Do I look like I give a shit?
Second nigger (3 days after original post): at least get it right. You look foolish referencing Kwanza.
Me: No. Muslims celebrate Kwanzaa. Looks like you two don't know shit about your own people. Go smoke some more jenkem, you government mooching BLM scum suckers
Second nigger:you are a clown that presumed to know me. BLM? Stop assuming every black person is affiliated with BLM and the racist myth that most of us are on public assistance. There are far more white people on public assistance
Me:Not every black person, just the ones that want to start fights with me on the internet over the most mundane things. How would you know about the public assistance statistics? and finally, I didn't hear you deny that you smoke jenkem, which is the nastiest thing out of everything I listed.
Second nigger:I don’t even know what jenkem is. I don’t smoke anything. I know about public assistance because I worked in social services at both the local and state level for years.
Me: jenkem is crucial to black culture. As far as your "work in social services," I can't take your word on anything I can't see. For all I know, you're lying.
Second nigger: Jenkem is not crucial to black culture. It is something related to jail culture. You don’t know black culture as well as you think you do. I looked up jenkem. That is jail culture.
Me:I also mentioned how I don't care. But here's the history of your people's past time to prove MY point. 22075
Me:Here's dessert. 22076

Shoutout to Tar Remover for providing the article on jenkem, as gross as it is informative.

02-27-2023, 09:10 AM
Nigger Nazis. One of those things history likes to completely forget about. Or, to put it another way, where Hitler learned that the enemy of his enemy is not necessarily his friend.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-27-2023, 10:13 AM
Here is a link about welfare statistics. Considering niggers make up 1/5 the population of whites, it is pretty telling:

02-27-2023, 11:40 AM
Here is a link about welfare statistics. Considering niggers make up 1/5 the population of whites, it is pretty telling:

Thanks, I aint bin dun did dat! !!

Tar Remover
06-20-2023, 02:37 AM
Thank you, Logan! But I got the jenkum info HERE years ago. This is an example of the immeasurable value of this site!
Niggers are just fuckin' stupid. They say they research stuff and they don't.