View Full Version : Nigger Sow REALLY Wants a Cookie!

Nigger Wrangler
02-26-2023, 09:51 PM
A Florida nigger sow entertains us with a lifetime's worth of exceptional TNB!

On Feb 16 the sow is at McNiggers and pulls out her High-Point, because she didn't get her free cookie!

The police show up, and the TNB kicks into high gear.

After crying "see what dayz doin' to me" as the first officer on the scene handcuffs her black ass, her next word were to her passenger: "get my bond money ready!"

Amari Hendricks was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, without intent to kill, among other charges. Hopefully this will net her a long scholarship to nigger university for sows.



As with most of these police videos lately, the nigger fatigue in the comments are palpable! Everyone is sick of their shit!!

Tar Remover
02-27-2023, 07:35 AM
I hope this filthy Jungle Bat rots in jail.

03-01-2023, 06:25 AM
The nigger ooks, "muh hands be on da hood" when anyone can see that the nigger's black ape paws are clearly not on the hood. Just like all the niggers who screech "I'M NOT RESISTING" while violently resisting arrest.

I think the combination of endless pro-nigger propaganda from the controlled media and niggers' extremely low IQ has resulted in niggers developing a "who you gonna believe, muh magic nigger bootlips or yo lyin eyes?" attitude. TV and movie niggers are shown as being unable to do wrong, and retarded real-life niggers are actually believing that they're that magical.

Tar Remover
03-01-2023, 10:00 AM
The nigger ooks, "muh hands be on da hood" when anyone can see that the nigger's black ape paws are clearly not on the hood. Just like all the niggers who screech "I'M NOT RESISTING" while violently resisting arrest.

I think the combination of endless pro-nigger propaganda from the controlled media and niggers' extremely low IQ has resulted in niggers developing a "who you gonna believe, muh magic nigger bootlips or yo lyin eyes?" attitude. TV and movie niggers are shown as being unable to do wrong, and retarded real-life niggers are actually believing that they're that magical.

Exactly. Niggers make me want to puke violently.

Ray Cizzums
03-01-2023, 10:02 AM
I love that purple wig, sitting sideways on her bald melon. She keeps those hair-hats on a coat hook,
by the front door. The McDonald's crew handed the cookie over to this nut-job, and she grabbed her
Hi-Point anyway. This is one incredibly primitive congoloon..

03-01-2023, 01:03 PM
The nigger ooks, "muh hands be on da hood" when anyone can see that the nigger's black ape paws are clearly not on the hood. Just like all the niggers who screech "I'M NOT RESISTING" while violently resisting arrest.

I think the combination of endless pro-nigger propaganda from the controlled media and niggers' extremely low IQ has resulted in niggers developing a "who you gonna believe, muh magic nigger bootlips or yo lyin eyes?" attitude. TV and movie niggers are shown as being unable to do wrong, and retarded real-life niggers are actually believing that they're that magical.

Exactly what I've been saying! Niggers are untouchable, so they feel free to be themselves. Now the libtards are seeing just what niggers do when freed of all social constraints and laws human beings must follow.

Tar Remover
03-01-2023, 06:20 PM
Exactly what I've been saying! Niggers are untouchable, so they feel free to be themselves. Now the libtards are seeing just what niggers do when freed of all social constraints and laws human beings must follow.

And the idiots are paying the price for their stupidity. Let's hope more start seeing the light.