View Full Version : Teacher's aide confiscates nigger's Nintendo Switch; nigger beats her unconscious.

02-24-2023, 09:50 PM
Niggers and education do not mix. Why bother spending money on something a nigger doesn't want or need. Indeed, niggers have their own special educational system, known as NU. A segregated place where niggers can be around their fellow niggers.

The nigger is taking advantage of taxpayer-funded education - in some vain attempt by humans to set him on the path of success and somehow overcome his natural nigger tendencies - by playing on his Nintendo Switch in class. The teacher's aide takes the Switch and the nigger does the normal thing that a nigger would do which is to beat the shit out of her, knocking her unconscious.

If a dog had attacked the human in such a manner, it would be put down. The same thing needs to happen to this nigger.

https://www.westernjournal.com/270-pound-high-school-student-beats-teachers-aide-unconscious-confiscated-video-game-police/ (https://www.westernjournal.com/270-pound-high-school-student-beats-teachers-aide-unconscious-confiscated-video-game-police/)

Ray Cizzums
02-24-2023, 10:49 PM
The news media cucks had to scramble, to get out ahead of this attack video, with an excuse narrative
that they could build into the headline. "Special needs student" is what they went with, same as the six
year old spook who shot his teacher. They need a special beating, like Rodney Kang got....

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-24-2023, 10:55 PM
The news media cucks had to scramble, to get out ahead of this attack video, with an excuse narrative
that they could build into the headline. "Special needs student" is what they went with, same as the six
year old spook who shot his teacher. They need a special beating, like Rodney Kang got....
Yea, on twatter all the cuck commenters were “he’s special needs, he didn’t know what he was doing”. I do agree that this nigger was special needs just like every other nigger on the planet! If “special needs” niggers are a danger to the rest of us, then perhaps they should be catapulted back to fucking Africa!

knot a Knigger
02-25-2023, 12:59 AM
There are a lot of fat, no morbidly obese, woke cucks in that video who think niggers are human and will respond to discipline like a human. Never relax.

02-25-2023, 10:37 AM
Niggers are stupid trash who hate books and learning. The libcunts believe they can actually educate these beasts.

03-01-2023, 03:02 AM
The Nigcredible Bulk is being charged as an ape-dult, whatever that means.

03-04-2023, 10:19 PM

the "gentle giant" is up for 30 years according to its felony charge, but already being called "mentally incompetent" to stand trial by its nigfense apetorney.

If that washes, every nigger's gonna jump on that bandwagon. All they have to do is say they have a 70 IQ, and who wouldn't believe that straight outta of the box ?

03-04-2023, 11:19 PM

the "gentle giant" is up for 30 years according to its felony charge, but already being called "mentally incompetent" to stand trial by its nigfense apetorney.

If that washes, every nigger's gonna jump on that bandwagon. All they have to do is say they have a 70 IQ, and who wouldn't believe that straight outta of the box ?

If the nigger was 'mentally incompetent' to stand trial, why was he in a normal school? The nigger should have been in a special school. Either way, he will end up a place of learning populated mostly by niggers, i.e. NU, for perhaps 30 years.