View Full Version : Nigger shoots and paralyzes 13 year old white child; writes rap song regretting that he didn't kill him

02-24-2023, 09:31 PM
Chimpers! Good to be back. Went to the UK to see family, wifey had an impromptu surgery, did some travel for work, then was rear-ended and then had physical therapy and got back to normal. I missed this site.

Anyway, while in England this piece of nigger savagery made the news. I apologize if this has already been posted, but niggers are niggers wherever they are.

Tafique, a 17 year-old nigger, shot and paralyzed a 13 year-old kid who was on the way to get food and shot him because he was passing through the nigger's 'territory'. Anyway, instead of disappearing or creating an alibi, the nigger made a drill (c)rap song, the lyrics of which babbled on about how he regretted not killing the innocent 13 year-old.

Tafique, along with fellow niggers Diago and Zidann, were all sentenced to less than 20 years. Such a lenient sentence shows how cucked the UK is, and they'll probably be out in at 10 years.

To this day, I don't know what is worse. The stupidity of niggers, or their savagery. Either way, the sooner they are sent back to Africa from the White Lands of the West, the better.


02-24-2023, 09:56 PM
The libcunts in the UK are so horrified of guns yet they let shitbeasts like these shitskins walk in and walk all over them and their country.

02-24-2023, 10:15 PM
The libcunts in the UK are so horrified of guns yet they let shitbeasts like these shitskins walk in and walk all over them and their country.

Since I left, the UK has gone to shit. I travelled from the airport to Kings Cross to head north, and travelling through London on the train I saw very few white faces. At best, it was quite disconcerting. At worst, it was terrifying, never knowing if some nigger would try and rob me for my watch, phone, bag etc.

My grandparents were born in the early part of the Twentieth Century, i.e. when the country wasn't full of niggers. My grandfather died of cancer, and my grandmother from cancer, heart disease, and dementia. Although it could be much, much worse: they could still be alive to see what has become of the UK.

I read somewhere that Somali niggers think London is so violent that they send their little Somali niggers back to Somalia because their shithole is less violent than London.

Fucking liberals!

02-24-2023, 10:28 PM
filthy nigger scum

Whitey Ford
02-24-2023, 10:43 PM
Prancing lil' nigger monkeys :bat


Here's the lil' nigger monkeys crappy (c)rap video.


I aint bin dun did dat!
02-24-2023, 10:46 PM
And they delete any comments on there which paint niggers in a bad light. God forbid we call out the niggers. That’s a way worse crime than shooting white kids and make crap songs about it.

02-24-2023, 11:31 PM
Prancing lil' nigger monkeys :bat


Here's the lil' nigger monkeys crappy (c)rap video.


(c)rap music may be the greatest/worst example of cultural terrorism. It's fucking dreadful, and it keeps getting worse. The only thing worse is the people who sign these niggers to record deals or participate in the production this 'music'.

02-25-2023, 04:43 AM
(c)rap music may be the greatest/worst example of cultural terrorism. It's fucking dreadful, and it keeps getting worse. The only thing worse is the people who sign these niggers to record deals or participate in the production this 'music'.

The only thing good about it is the batwings from the feral envy and perceived "dissapecks".
There just needs to be MORE coonmunity deletion of the (c)rap stars by the shit plague on humanity.

Whitey Ford
02-25-2023, 06:00 PM
The only thing good about it is the batwings from the feral envy and perceived "dissapecks".
There just needs to be MORE coonmunity deletion of the (c)rap stars by the shit plague on humanity.

They should have like a Hunger Games for niggers. First they would wall off a thoroughly destroyed ghetto slum in Detroit or Baltimore or somewhere. Then, take all the most violent and useless (c)rap niggers, arm them to the teeth and let them battle it out. Whatever (c)rap nigger wins, gets a (c)rap record recording contract and a lifetime/unlimited gift card to Popeye's. They could put it on pay per view and make a fortune.

02-25-2023, 06:45 PM
The sun has finally set on the British Empire, not by nuclear war, the hands of Nazis, Russians, or alien overlords, but by the welcomed infestation of 60 IQ, primitive savage africoons/Muzzies by a population more fearful of being labeled "racist" than they are of death.



I aint bin dun did dat!
02-25-2023, 07:08 PM
The sun has finally set on the British Empire, not by nuclear war, the hands of Nazis, Russians, or alien overlords, but by the welcomed infestation of 60 IQ, primitive savage africoons/Muzzies by a population more fearful of being labeled "racist" than they are of death.


Think 100 years ago, if anyone could’ve predicted that’s what would put an end to them. It’s a nigger trojan horse.

02-26-2023, 12:25 AM
Think 100 years ago, if anyone could’ve predicted that’s what would put an end to them. It’s a nigger trojan horse.

And the US of A is doing all it can to catch up to them ! :fume

02-27-2023, 03:14 PM
And the US of A is doing all it can to catch up to them ! :fume

At best, the USA will be Brazil. At worst South Africa. Whitey will be forced to flee and those that stay will have their property appropriated because of slavery an' shit, then raped and murdered. The niggers will take over, and like South Africa and Zimbabwe, it will turn into Detroit except on a national scale.

02-27-2023, 03:43 PM
it will turn into Detroit except on a national scale.

Yes. The major nog infested cities are there already, or doing all they can to get to that point.
Their tax base will collapse due to the crime and wealth confiscation to hand gibsmedats to niggers. Then it will be Detroit replay time.

They'll have to hunt all of us down in the red states tho. If there is some demented old fart being controlled by his lefto loon henchdeviants, they may violently
try to integrate us with their filth. I think at that point, it will be ON.

There will be armed resistance to that BS. We're moving to get away from their idiocracy clown world , but don't follow us, you wont like the result.