View Full Version : U.S. Navy lowers its I.Q. standards to accommodate....

Whitey Ford
02-24-2023, 05:06 PM
U.S. Navy Lowers Test Standards to Meet Recruitment Numbers


n Monday, the U.S. Navy announced that it will lower its entrance test standards, the latest in a series of quiet changes intended to address hiring challenges.

About 80 percent of Americans of prime recruiting age are ineligible for military service due to obesity, criminal records and other obstacles, and the remainder have many non-military options to choose from in a robust job market. This year, the Navy needs to convince about 38,000 eligible Americans to enlist, and it is making some headline-grabbing changes in order to do it.

In November, the service raised the maximum enlistment age from 39 to 41, the statutory limit. Effective Monday, it has also told recruiters that it will accept candidates who score well below average on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), the standard test administered in all U.S. military recruiting.


02-24-2023, 07:47 PM

02-24-2023, 08:19 PM
Niggers just keep steadily dragging us down.

02-24-2023, 09:35 PM
A bunch of retarded niggers operating complicated equipment. On an aircraft carrier or submarine. What could possibly go wrong?!?

02-24-2023, 10:40 PM

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-24-2023, 10:57 PM
My favorite part is, the only reason they’re able to thrive is because whitey pays for it. We pay for our own destruction. It’s fucking amazing.

02-24-2023, 11:16 PM
My favorite part is, the only reason they’re able to thrive is because whitey pays for it. We pay for our own destruction. It’s fucking amazing.

It's disgusting, that our own kind would waste time and effort to support a useless, failed nonhuman species, in the names of kindness and equality. Fuck those fools.

Ray Cizzums
02-24-2023, 11:24 PM
I've got some sea time in commercial fishing vessels - seldom saw a spook. One exception, was a scallop boat out of Carolina,
we used to trade with in the Texas Tower/Elephant Trunk area off NY/NJ. The captain and mates were white, of course, but
their processing crew was white for one shift, black for the other. We wanted scallops, and scallop "snot"(guts, for tuna chum).
They'd stay at sea for up to two months, so they wanted (and we brought): Cigarettes, weed, booze, buckets of KFC, porn mags,
newspapers, and tuna hooks, line and leader. They would occasionally boat a giant bluefin, but usually they'd break them off, because
their deck was so high above the water. They went wild when I brought them a "Fleshlight", then claimed the niggers didn't need one,
because they had each other's assholes. Those salty negroes were pointing at each other. The whole boat was in a good mood when
we showed up. Trying to hand off the goods was tricky though - we'd have to steer our 36 footer inside their "Flopper stopper"(outrigger).

02-25-2023, 09:49 AM
My favorite part is, the only reason they’re able to thrive is because whitey pays for it. We pay for our own destruction. It’s fucking amazing.

Absolutely true... Think of it... Every time a filthy sow shits out a sprog, it gets more money. Paying them for the EXACT thing we DON'T want and it's our children's children who are paying for it. Republicucks are as guilty as DemonRATS. The 'cuck rabid, anti abortion stance fills the nation with septage. Humans who want an abortion will get one no matter what the law says. We end up with fewer Whites, and a sea of filthy niggers.

I'm Conservative on most issues. Not abortion. In fact, for some, abortion should not be a choice but a requirement. If you're some filthy KnowNothing sow and 'With Shitlet' ... You better get used to 4 walls because if you're seen on the street... Handcuffed and a trip to see Mr. Hoover for a short 'procedure'....

Here's a 'progressive' tax policy for you: You're a 'Nog and have Sprog - you pay MORE tax.... If you're White, we reduce your tax or even pay you to have children, provided you're bringing the child into a monogamous, two-parent, supportive household...

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-25-2023, 10:36 AM
Absolutely true... Think of it... Every time a filthy sow shits out a sprog, it gets more money. Paying them for the EXACT thing we DON'T want and it's our children's children who are paying for it. Republicucks are as guilty as DemonRATS. The 'cuck rabid, anti abortion stance fills the nation with septage. Humans who want an abortion will get one no matter what the law says. We end up with fewer Whites, and a sea of filthy niggers.

I'm Conservative on most issues. Not abortion. In fact, for some, abortion should not be a choice but a requirement. If you're some filthy KnowNothing sow and 'With Shitlet' ... You better get used to 4 walls because if you're seen on the street... Handcuffed and a trip to see Mr. Hoover for a short 'procedure'....

Here's a 'progressive' tax policy for you: You're a 'Nog and have Sprog - you pay MORE tax.... If you're White, we reduce your tax or even pay you to have children, provided you're bringing the child into a monogamous, two-parent, supportive household...

I agree with you on abortion. The only ones doing it are niggers and white trash so the right need to leave that one alone. It is a necessity. I’ve read that on average 300,000 niglets are aborted annually in the US. Can you imagine what 300k more niggers every year would do here? That would be another 12 million niggers in the past 40 years and that is assuming not a damn one of them shat out more niggers which is ludicrous. Let’s be real, without abortion, there would likely be another 100 million niggers in this country over the past 40 years.

02-25-2023, 12:26 PM
IQ tests are racist. /s
So they just show reality. Niggers are stupid as shit.

02-25-2023, 01:03 PM
I've got some sea time in commercial fishing vessels - seldom saw a spook. One exception, was a scallop boat out of Carolina,
we used to trade with in the Texas Tower/Elephant Trunk area off NY/NJ. The captain and mates were white, of course, but
their processing crew was white for one shift, black for the other. We wanted scallops, and scallop "snot"(guts, for tuna chum).
They'd stay at sea for up to two months, so they wanted (and we brought): Cigarettes, weed, booze, buckets of KFC, porn mags,
newspapers, and tuna hooks, line and leader. They would occasionally boat a giant bluefin, but usually they'd break them off, because
their deck was so high above the water. They went wild when I brought them a "Fleshlight", then claimed the niggers didn't need one,
because they had each other's assholes. Those salty negroes were pointing at each other. The whole boat was in a good mood when
we showed up. Trying to hand off the goods was tricky though - we'd have to steer our 36 footer inside their "Flopper stopper"(outrigger).

Great story. Amazing that humans could and did get along with 'nogs in such confined space over such a period of time. Never liked outriggers. One side goes and the other side can make you real unstable real fast. don't ask me how I know.
Plus, they suck fuel

02-25-2023, 01:49 PM
Absolutely true... Think of it... Every time a filthy sow shits out a sprog, it gets more money. Paying them for the EXACT thing we DON'T want and it's our children's children who are paying for it. Republicucks are as guilty as DemonRATS. The 'cuck rabid, anti abortion stance fills the nation with septage. Humans who want an abortion will get one no matter what the law says. We end up with fewer Whites, and a sea of filthy niggers.

I'm Conservative on most issues. Not abortion. In fact, for some, abortion should not be a choice but a requirement. If you're some filthy KnowNothing sow and 'With Shitlet' ... You better get used to 4 walls because if you're seen on the street... Handcuffed and a trip to see Mr. Hoover for a short 'procedure'....

Here's a 'progressive' tax policy for you: You're a 'Nog and have Sprog - you pay MORE tax.... If you're White, we reduce your tax or even pay you to have children, provided you're bringing the child into a monogamous, two-parent, supportive household...

Not only that, but if the "pappy" is in the home, they get LESS money than if the pappy is absent. So we're not only paying then to shit out sprogs, we're paying them to have as dysfunctional a 'fambly' as possible. So, already maladjusted groids come out even more F'ed up than they would be anyway. Than again the mammy rarely knows (or cares) which broke ass, worthless buck is the pappy.

03-01-2023, 07:44 AM
Didn't they already do that back in the 80s? I thought I had read something like "army lowered IQ requirement to 82 points" years ago.

03-01-2023, 11:09 AM
Biology is a bitch. Can't raise niggers' literal retard-level IQ, so gotta lower the standards. But is the Navy also going to change nigger ankle bone density so they can actually swim?

If this policy leads to more niggers becoming rockfish, there may be a silver lining.