View Full Version : Ben Shapiro can't say the color of the niggers bullying white kids.

02-22-2023, 09:31 PM

He's pressed under the cooperate thumb, too.
He doesn't need to say it, we can all see it.
Adriana Kuch's suicide, small white children getting wailed on by niggers, and I mean TINY white children under the age of 9 getting beaten by older nigger kids twice their size, probably held back a few years because of their smooth-brains.

White countries need to get mad enough to do something about this. We have the community, we need to keep our children (our future) safe.
I'm pissed off niggers are killing our kids, you should be too!

02-22-2023, 10:10 PM
He doesn't need to say it, we can all see it.

Adriana Kuch's suicide

White countries need to get mad enough to do something about this. We have the community, we need to keep our children (our future) safe.
I'm pissed off niggers are killing our kids, you should be too!

Saw that story too. I spent a good 15-20 minutes trying to find an unblurred vdo of her beatdown in school. Nada !
I smelled nigger , but finally gave up.

Gotta protect those feral shitlets, so they can grow into the vicious savannah beasts the MSM can coddle for ratings.

02-22-2023, 10:29 PM
Saw that story too. I spent a good 15-20 minutes trying to find an unblurred vdo of her beatdown in school. Nada !
I smelled nigger , but finally gave up.

Gotta protect those feral shitlets, so they can grow into the vicious savannah beasts the MSM can coddle for ratings.

It was definitely a nigger that beat Adriana. And she was probably so conflicted in today's liberal climate that she didn't know how to respond without being labeled racist so the poor girl killed herself.
No, no protection for niggers from me. They take up space, they threaten us, they kill us and our families and then make us feel guilty about it. They riot, loot, murder, rape and breed more of the Black Plague for the future to deal with.
It'll stop with me. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll do everything I can to ensure that the nigger threat stops with this generation.
We can't just shoot up Buffalo grocery stores, that didn't do anything.

02-23-2023, 12:13 AM

He's pressed under the cooperate thumb, too.
He doesn't need to say it, we can all see it.
Adriana Kuch's suicide, small white children getting wailed on by niggers, and I mean TINY white children under the age of 9 getting beaten by older nigger kids twice their size, probably held back a few years because of their smooth-brains.

White countries need to get mad enough to do something about this. We have the community, we need to keep our children (our future) safe.
I'm pissed off niggers are killing our kids, you should be too!Ben is a simp.

Whitey Ford
02-23-2023, 08:01 PM
Shapiro is a cuckservative that will bend over backwards to avoid the nigger problem. Shapiro is also pro-immigration. Cuckservative Supreme. :unigger:pat:pat:unigger

02-24-2023, 12:49 AM
Shapiro is a cuckservative that will bend over backwards to avoid the nigger problem. Shapiro is also pro-immigration. Cuckservative Supreme. :unigger:pat:pat:unigger
Damn, no wonder Mark Dice hates him.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-24-2023, 01:32 AM
It was definitely a nigger that beat Adriana. And she was probably so conflicted in today's liberal climate that she didn't know how to respond without being labeled racist so the poor girl killed herself.
No, no protection for niggers from me. They take up space, they threaten us, they kill us and our families and then make us feel guilty about it. They riot, loot, murder, rape and breed more of the Black Plague for the future to deal with.
It'll stop with me. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll do everything I can to ensure that the nigger threat stops with this generation.
We can't just shoot up Buffalo grocery stores, that didn't do anything.
It was stupid and didn’t help anything but at least he tried to do something.

02-24-2023, 02:15 AM
It was stupid and didn’t help anything but at least he tried to do something.
Then he gets an A for effort.

Whitey Ford
02-24-2023, 10:51 PM
Damn, no wonder Mark Dice hates him.

Mark Dice is awesome. I had the pleasure of meeting the man many years ago, during that brief moment in time when Dice and Alex Jones were feuding. ;)

02-24-2023, 11:29 PM
Mark Dice is awesome. I had the pleasure of meeting the man many years ago, during that brief moment in time when Dice and Alex Jones were feuding. ;)

Mark's one of the only guys I see on social media with an actual brain between his ears. He should have a Pulitzer if he doesn't have one already.

02-25-2023, 03:26 PM
Shapiro is a cuckservative

Yeah his big thing is telling trannys they're really men. Not much more to him than that, other than running his mouth to show everyone how "intelligent" he is.
I don't know anyone who listens to him, but yet he still makes bank off his schtick. He won't risk a penny bringing any shyster race pimp from the 13% down on him.

Whitey Ford
02-25-2023, 05:52 PM
Yeah his big thing is telling trannys they're really men. Not much more to him than that, other than running his mouth to show everyone how "intelligent" he is.
I don't know anyone who listens to him, but yet he still makes bank off his schtick. He won't risk a penny bringing any shyster race pimp from the 13% down on him.

He claims he lost of money on his short term tirade opposing Trump. ;)
The only reason he has a platform in the first place is because the late Andrew Breitbart picked him to be his #2 man at Breitbart.

But, Steven Crowder has been calling him out on his RINO pseudo-conservatism and is threatening to leave Breitbart's The Blaze because of it.