View Full Version : I agree with Monkey X

Monkey Business
02-20-2023, 09:15 PM
"On October 11, 1963, Malcolm X gave a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, in which he outlined the philosophy of black nationalism as promoted by the Nation of Islam and declared racial separatism as the best approach to the problems facing black America."

This nigga had the best idea. I wish we could work with nigger nationalists so we could establish borders and avoid each other. They hate whites, and we hate them even more.
Stop the hate. Separate.

Tar Remover
02-21-2023, 03:41 AM
Malcolm N was on the right track.

02-21-2023, 04:45 AM
Sure I want separation and segregation from niggers and monkeys. But I'm not willing to part with any of our states, so I say dump all of them out to Mexico and the other shitholes southward. A lot of jungle and rainforest for them to thrive.

02-21-2023, 01:58 PM
Sure I want separation and segregation from niggers and monkeys. But I'm not willing to part with any of our states, so I say dump all of them out to Mexico and the other shitholes southward. A lot of jungle and rainforest for them to thrive.

That's the problem. They would destroy any place they're given and you would still be stuck supporting them.

They need to be sent to some place like Equatorial Guinea and see how they like fending for themselves there, where their uppity demands would be futile.

Absolute nigger hellhole.


02-21-2023, 04:23 PM
Sure I want separation and segregation from niggers and monkeys. But I'm not willing to part with any of our states, so I say dump all of them out to Mexico and the other shitholes southward. A lot of jungle and rainforest for them to thrive.

True!! Let the real monkeys out of the cages and put niggers in them. The zoos would probably make a good fortune doing so.

02-21-2023, 08:20 PM
We had segregation. It was called the Atlantic Ocean. I demand to reinstate this natural and genetically selected segregation immediately !! Like guessing the weight of the cake at the church fayre, we could guess how many niggers we could stuff into a container ship. The winner would get to sound the horn as the coons sailed off into the sunset. Wakanda forever !

02-21-2023, 08:59 PM
That's the problem. They would destroy any place they're given and you would still be stuck supporting them.

They need to be sent to some place like Equatorial Guinea and see how they like fending for themselves there, where their uppity demands would be futile.

Absolute nigger hellhole.


Naturally, I prefer all blackies be deported to Africa, but that may not be realistic. So, if segregation was re-instated, I'd like to push all niggers to Mexico and central or south America. We can build a great wall with MG nests and cannons. It'd be easier to send them south than to cross an ocean. Use gunboat diplomacy for Mexico et. al.

02-21-2023, 11:43 PM
Naturally, I prefer all blackies be deported to Africa, but that may not be realistic. So, if segregation was re-instated, I'd like to push all niggers to Mexico and central or south America. We can build a great wall with MG nests and cannons. It'd be easier to send them south than to cross an ocean. Use gunboat diplomacy for Mexico et. al.

That's probably the only feasible idea. I have a feeling the Mexicans might not roll out the welcome mat and shower the groids with welfare, food skamps, Sec8, WIC and free sail phomes, and all the other perks they're accustomed to.

Tar Remover
02-22-2023, 04:18 AM
We had segregation. It was called the Atlantic Ocean. I demand to reinstate this natural and genetically selected segregation immediately !! Like guessing the weight of the cake at the church fayre, we could guess how many niggers we could stuff into a container ship. The winner would get to sound the horn as the coons sailed off into the sunset. Wakanda forever !

I like HALF way to Africa best....

02-22-2023, 12:19 PM
I like HALF way to Africa best....

yeah, we could do that too ! As long as we removed all that plastic shit that they put in the niglets hay-ah ! Might fuck the shark's teeth up. :lol

02-22-2023, 04:45 PM
That's probably the only feasible idea. I have a feeling the Mexicans might not roll out the welcome mat and shower the groids with welfare, food skamps, Sec8, WIC and free sail phomes, and all the other perks they're accustomed to.

Mexico has gone to great lengths to empty their prisons and push their problems northward, dumping them all off on us. They surely would not stand by and let us dump an equally unsavory bunch of niggers to replace the worst of the worst from their society. They would no doubt go crying to the UN getting them involved and would likely result in them sending their blue helmeted thug "peacekeeping forces" to both our countries to ensure that all niggers and border niggers end up right back here. Biden would most certainly bend to the will of the UN. The worst part? Some of those troops would be US troops under the UN flag and most all of the troops no matter which country they came from would be using our own money and weapons to do it seeing as how we make up the biggest slice of the UN funding pie.

Most people are blissfully unaware of the fact that these UN goons are mostly nothing but paid rapist, thugs and other such villainy. They terrorize villages worldwide with the blessings of the UN and do so unchecked as of yet.

The day that UN troops engage in military missions inside the US will be the day that all hell breaks loose here. Those blue helmets will turn purple as soon as they find their way into our crosshairs.

Tell it like it is
02-26-2023, 09:37 AM
Let's not forget that we are the reason our streets are overrun with these despicable niggers.
Had our forefathers not shipped them over here, our only knowledge of them would be CNN and jane goodall.
They would still be unable to generate the technology to invade any other country with their vile presence.
We've all seen it on the t-shirts, but really folks, truer words have never been spoken...."If I had known this, I would have picked my own cotton!"