View Full Version : Possible spigger teenaper iced after ramming stolen car into LEO's vehicle

02-20-2023, 06:19 AM
I don't know if this shitlet had nigger blood, but it sure had a nigger education in early criminality.

It stole the vehicle and then assaulted police with it. Congratulations and thanks to the officer for making sure the teenaper never gets to do it again.

I 'll just dub this out of control fool an "honorary nigger" !


Keep Britain White
02-20-2023, 08:07 AM
Yep, that's nigger for me! Another criminal family being taken out one by one.
That little shit dug his own grave. Police officers have to protect their own lives whenever they approach these wild animals.

Ray Cizzums
02-20-2023, 11:42 AM
Recklessly driving a vehicle at high speed needs to be considered a serious felony, such as attempted murder.
Any means necessary to stop it in progress, such as gunfire, pit maneuvers, and rocket fire from aircraft, should
be employed. The new laser guided APKWS 75mm rocket would be perfect for police use. Any civilian deaths
or injuries that happen during a chase should also be charged to the evading felon.