View Full Version : Nigger fun with the family tonight!

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-18-2023, 01:09 AM
So, My oldest is turning 9 this weekend and we decided to go to an escape room. For those of you unaware of what this is, it is a room with a bunch of puzzles to solve so you can escape. They give you an hour to solve em all of boot you out. The room holds 3-12 people. We had reserved 3 spaces for me, my wife and my son. We checked the site all week to see if anyone else had signed up because we were hoping to do it alone without some random people in there with us. Well, at 3:00 today, we check the site and 5 others had reserved the same room with us. Fuck, alright whatever.

We get to this place, we go inside and there is a giant fambly of niggers sitting in there waiting, I knew right away, there’s our partners. I looked at my wife, we locked eyes in disgust. We have a way of unspoken communication at this point. Anyways, there were a total of 7 niggers in this fambly! 2 todller niggers they didn’t have to pay for weren’t included on the reservation. Yes! They brought 2 niglets under 3 years old when the website clearly states, these rooms are not for young children.

As soon as we all get in the room, the niggers exclaim “oh we dun did dis one befo”. Then why the fuck are you doing it again? Surprise, surprise, they really didn’t remember much. The two toddler niggers spent most of the time crying and throwing shit, which made it incredibly difficult to concentrate on anything especially with me already being insanely annoyed that I am locked in a room smelling 7 niggers for an hour.

There was one puzzle where you had to count objects that you had unlocked from previous puzzles. Well, good luck doing that! Because the retarded niglets had taken those object and scattered them all over the fucking place. The room looked like Haiti when it was all said and done. I was trying to open a locker at one point as part of a puzzle and one niglet was sitting in front of it just fucking off or whatever it was doing, I said “move outta the way!”. I wanted to boot that fucker back in time.

When the whole thing was over, we did not escape the room as we ran out of time due to the chaos of the niggers, the game master as they’re apparently called came in and asked us to stay to talk about our reservation. She rushed the nigger fambly out and came back. She gave us gift cards to go again for free because of the unruly niggers. I doubt we will go back anyways because I won’t risk being stuck with em again. Fuck, I hate em so bad. They ruin everything.

02-18-2023, 10:41 AM
Gift cards my ass. It should have been a full refund.

02-18-2023, 01:06 PM
Sounds about right.

02-18-2023, 01:42 PM
Gift cards my ass. It should have been a full refund.

If niggers weren't allowed around us in public businesses, this could be an option. The businesses can't kick them out as much as many would no doubt love to do just that. Unfortunately, they are everywhere and businesses would all go bankrupt if they all had to issue refunds due to unruly niggers. Every day, we see at least one more example like this one of why they should be segregated from us.

Tar Remover
02-18-2023, 08:49 PM
Puzzles are white man's Ju Ju to a stupid, brainless nigger.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-19-2023, 01:12 AM
If niggers weren't allowed around us in public businesses, this could be an option. The businesses can't kick them out as much as many would no doubt love to do just that. Unfortunately, they are everywhere and businesses would all go bankrupt if they all had to issue refunds due to unruly niggers. Every day, we see at least one more example like this one of why they should be segregated from us.
Haha, to be honest I knew I may catch some hell on here for the mere fact we went out and even subjected ourselves to possible nigger encounters. I know it going into all of this. Yea, a full refund would’ve been appropriate but I was also aware of the risk, so I am responsible for so e of it as well.

Tar Remover
02-19-2023, 04:39 AM
Haha, to be honest I knew I may catch some hell on here for the mere fact we went out and even subjected ourselves to possible nigger encounters. I know it going into all of this. Yea, a full refund would’ve been appropriate but I was also aware of the risk, so I am responsible for so e of it as well.

We don't fuckin' hide from niggers. If we need to go somewhere, be somewhere or just plain wanna fuckin' BE somewhere, we SHOULD be there, niggers be damned. Yes, niggers should be avoided. But no goddamn filthy nigger ape is going to determine whether I go where I want to. No nigger or nigger loving scumbag is going to determine my destiny.
Don't allow niggers to rule your life, Honorable did dat. You go where you want to.

02-19-2023, 08:47 AM
Haha, to be honest I knew I may catch some hell on here for the mere fact we went out and even subjected ourselves to possible nigger encounters. I know it going into all of this. Yea, a full refund would’ve been appropriate but I was also aware of the risk, so I am responsible for so e of it as well.

My apologies if it seemed like I was giving you flak, as this was not my intent. None of this was your fault. It's just niggers being niggers and you & yours were the victim here as was the business.

Might I suggest you use the gift cards but insist on a schvoogie free experience when you redeem them. I'm betting they would oblige your request (since they obviously recognize the mutual nigger problem), as long as all parties could agree to discretion in the matter. It seems worth a shot to me, anyway.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-19-2023, 10:23 AM
We don't fuckin' hide from niggers. If we need to go somewhere, be somewhere or just plain wanna fuckin' BE somewhere, we SHOULD be there, niggers be damned. Yes, niggers should be avoided. But no goddamn filthy nigger ape is going to determine whether I go where I want to. No nigger or nigger loving scumbag is going to determine my destiny.
Don't allow niggers to rule your life, Honorable did dat. You go where you want to.
It’s not about hiding, it’s about them ruining everything. I don’t want my kids around them. They just make me not want to go outside of the small white town I live in.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-19-2023, 10:25 AM
My apologies if it seemed like I was giving you flak, as this was not my intent. None of this was your fault. It's just niggers being niggers and you & yours were the victim here as was the business.

Might I suggest you use the gift cards but insist on a schvoogie free experience when you redeem them. I'm betting they would oblige your request (since they obviously recognize the mutual nigger problem), as long as all parties could agree to discretion in the matter. It seems worth a shot to me, anyway.
No brother, it didn’t. I wish I could request nigger free reservations for everything. If it were legal, I bet the business that didn’t allow niggers would be a booming one.

02-19-2023, 05:38 PM
What a wonderful world would it be without niggers living within human spheres. Second best scenario, segregation. People want to be with their own kind. And I'm not saying this is a mean racist way, in fact I mean disciplined, law abiding, working, reasonable people like to be with the same. I'm open minded and see all humans as humans, but make no mistake, niggers are NOT human. Really, what group is the cause of crime? Disrespect, random violence, childish pranks, loud retarded behavior? Niggers.

I actually think OP was brave being in the same room for an hour with the malevolent beasts. Imagine the stench and bixnood. I probably would not be able to take it, and would just "tap out", forfeit my money. One, the cost would just be an expensive life lesson. Two, I would not want my family to even be in with the animals. Good thing, no violence, but it's even odds, and maybe more against you, that any sow can just be baiting you or your wife for a fight, since they know they are a protected species these days.

There was a story a while back of a white woman who was cornered, harassed, physically intimidated by a nigger mom, it's sister, and a daughter. White woman draws out a gun, told them to back off because she was pregnant. She went to jail, her husband lost her job. How's that for fairness.

Now I'm not saying change your life around niggers, just avoid if possible, if not, always be prepared!

Tar Remover
02-19-2023, 11:00 PM
It’s not about hiding, it’s about them ruining everything. I don’t want my kids around them. They just make me not want to go outside of the small white town I live in.

I get it. Especially with kids involved. I wish MY kids and grandkids never knew there were niggers!:lol