View Full Version : Say her name

02-17-2023, 08:59 PM
Some teen tranny got murdered in London, and "Say her name" started trending on Twitter. Sheboons are chimping that the trannies stole their slogan. "Say her name" became a thing after the sow Sandra Bland chimped during a traffic stop, got arrested, and offed itself in jail. I wonder which of their pets the libtards will support?

02-17-2023, 09:22 PM
I got a mile long list of names those stupid niggers can read since 2020, all the white victims that died that they can't bother to repeat because all they care about are nigger lives.
Niggers are hypocritical ignorant sub-human trash. All that chirping and hooting about their own communities and "innocent lives," meanwhile Cannon Hinnant and two white toddlers from Texas are murdered IN THE SAME THREE MONTHS by niggers, in the SAME YEAR ST. FLOYD OF FENTANYL DIED and no one says a goddamn thing.
When is the world stoping for Cannon? Where's the parade and street mural for a white child?

Tar Remover
02-21-2023, 09:39 AM
Which name? Nigger or Cocksucker?