View Full Version : Nigger cop crushes dreams of JaJuan and other niggers

02-16-2023, 06:52 PM
CHICAGO – JaJuan Nile was a joker, a picky eater and his mammy's only son. Growing up, he dreamed of starting a landscaping business.

But he never got the chance. Instead, a run-in with a now-disgraced Chicago nigger cop (Sgt. Ronald Watts) put the 20-year-old buck behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. It changed the course of his life, his fambly ooked.

His sister, Shawntell, grieves his lost potential:

"He never got to his full potential because of what happened to him. It definitely led him to do other things, led him to get discouraged," his younger sister, Shawntell Nile, told USA TODAY.

JaJuan could have been a landscaper! Or maybe a cRapper! Or a nuclear physicist!

I guess Sgt. Watts never ascribed to BLM.


Ray Cizzums
02-16-2023, 07:33 PM
His sister, Shawntell, grieves his lost potential:

JaJuan could have been a landscaper! Or maybe a cRapper! Or a nuclear physicist!

I guess Sgt. Watts never ascribed to BLM.
An "Aspiring landscaper" ? I was able do a nice job mowing our lawn at age 11, then turned pro at age 12.
My hedge cutting hand is strong, I can still garden my ass off....

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-16-2023, 08:42 PM
An "Aspiring landscaper" ? I was able do a nice job mowing our lawn at age 11, then turned pro at age 12.
My hedge cutting hand is strong, I can still garden my ass off....
Yup, I was pushing the mower down the road making money with it at 12. This dimwitted black asshole couldn’t figure this out at 20?

knot a Knigger
02-17-2023, 12:00 AM
JaJuan? Aspiring Chicago landscaper. Gonna cut grass in February but has to settle for pushing up daisies. Bye nigger.

02-17-2023, 12:18 AM
His sister, Shawntell, grieves his lost potential:

JaJuan could have been a landscaper! Or maybe a cRapper! Or a nuclear physicist!

I guess Sgt. Watts never ascribed to BLM.


"Jajuan" would have been a RAPIST, ROBBER or PEDOPHILE!!

02-17-2023, 01:11 AM
JaJuan? Aspiring Chicago landscaper. Gonna cut grass in February but has to settle for pushing up daisies. Bye nigger.


Whitey Ford
02-17-2023, 02:34 PM

02-17-2023, 04:17 PM

Sheeeiiiit!! JaJuan's fambly gonna get dat lottery for sho'!


02-19-2023, 03:42 PM
two years ago, just after he received his certificate of innocence and landed a job, the father of three young kids was fatally shot. by another chimpcongo nigger! Lol

02-27-2023, 03:59 AM
"Certificate of innocence" LOL. Niggers have apparently gotten so fragile that they now need an official DINDU NUFFINS certificate!